- 五年之約 Bump into you 歌詞
- 五年之約
- 作詞/作曲:張馨方
Its been a boring wait 真是一場無趣的等待 Your body still smells like a cake 你的干淨清甜仍然在空氣中瀰漫 Wish you were sitting right 祈願你就坐於旁 Wish you were over there 盼望你置身於此 Because only you can only you can burn the air 只因你能讓天際都為我所愛 Bingo Caught up in your fantasy 沉浸於有你的幻想真是好極了 Ringring its the loving melody 鈴鈴這是愛之韻律 Please dont be stingy with me and pay more time 請不要吝嗇於我,將時間與我共度 You drive me crazy 你讓我傾心雀躍 I dont wanna anything 我並不渴求一切 But I just want to bump into you 但我只想與你撞個滿懷吶
Its still you in the end 兜兜轉轉終究是你 Youre like the stars in the sky 你是我浩渺蒼穹中的璀璨星光 Why are you indecisive 為何你優柔寡斷 What type of girl is your thing 你心中的一席之地為誰而留 Because Only you can only you can find my heart 我心僅向你駐留痕跡 Bingo Caught up in your fantasy 青青是子佩,悠悠是我思 Ringring its the loving melody 鈴鈴奏響愛的旋律 Please dont be stingy with me and pay more time 請將韶華縱情於我 You drive me crazy 你令我如痴如醉 I dont wanna anything 我並不渴求美景良辰 But I just want to bump into you 但我真想與你撞個滿懷吶
BingoBingoCaught up in your fantasy 望眼欲穿的盡頭是你 RingringRingring its the loving melody 側耳傾聽這支甜膩的旋律 Please dont be stingy with me and pay more time 你不應將我如常人般對待 You drive me crazy 陷入你無法自拔 I dont wanna anything 奮不顧身拋棄一切 But I just want to bump into you 你真應該給我一個擁抱啊