- Bon Jovi Two Story Town 歌詞
- Bon Jovi
- I couldnt sleep
我無法入睡 Took a walk down Second Avenue 在第二大街上散步 Sick of dreaming dreams that never come true 我討厭做夢,因為它永不實現 One way street and I know where its leading to 我知道一條街道通向哪兒
市政廳的門前有一個'待售'的標誌 Theres a 'For Sale ' sign on the front door of the city hall 地鐵站的塗鴉從牆上脫落 The subway line got graffiti crawling off the wall 我可以接受打擊,但我不能倒下 I could take a hit but I dont want to take the fall 那隻是故事的一面 Thats just one side of the story 在這個兩個故事的城鎮 In this two story town 這只是同樣的老場景 Its just the same old sights 還有同樣的聲音 And the same old sounds 我要駕著我的車離開這個兩個故事的城鎮 I want to take my car and drive out of this two story town 這是同樣的老船在一直下沉 Its the same old ship going down 我正在下沉,下沉,下沉,下沉…… Im going down, down ,down, down, down 這是個有兩個故事的城鎮 Its a two story town 有一個和我睡過覺的女孩
她有入迷的眼神 Theres a girl that I sleep with 他許諾她玫瑰花和美國派 Shes got ecstasy eyes 我呼喚她和我的邪念 He promised her roses and American pie 然後和他們吻別 I called her and my demons 在兩個故事的城鎮裡 And I kissed them both goodbye 七天都是星期一的早晨
這只是同樣的老場景 Seven days of Monday morning 和同樣的聲音
我要駕著我的車離開這個兩個故事的城鎮 In a two story town 這是同樣的老船在一直下沉
我正在下沉,下沉,下沉,下沉…… Its just the same old sights 這是個有兩個故事的城鎮 And the same old sounds 一顆子彈開始行動 I want to take my car and drive out of this two story town 靈魂正召喚我 Its the same old ship going down 我只是一個故事 Im going down, down, down, down, down 在兩個故事的城鎮裡 Its a two story town 但你永遠不會在失物招領欄找到我 One shot to make a move now 這只是同樣的老場景 The ghosts are calling me out 還有同樣的聲音
我要駕著我的車離開這個兩個故事的城鎮 And me Im just one story 這是同樣的老船在一直下沉 In a two story town 我正在下沉,下沉,下沉,下沉…… But youre never going to find me in the lost and found 這是個有兩個故事的城鎮 這只是同樣的老場景還有同樣的聲音 Its just the same old sights 我要騎著我的馬帶他離開這個旋轉木馬 And the same old sounds 我不會屈服,不會放棄 I want to take my horse and ride him off this merry-go-round 我正在下沉,下沉,下沉,下沉…… Its the same old ship going down 我正在下沉,下沉,下沉,下沉…… Im going down, down, down, down, down 我正在下沉,下沉,下沉,下沉…… Its a two story town 這是個有兩個故事的城鎮 Its just the same old sights and the same old sounds I want to take my horse and ride him off this merry-go-round I wont give in and I wont back down Im going down, down, down, down down I aint going down, down, down, down, down Im never going down, down, down, down, down Its a two-story town