- The Connells Over There 歌詞
- The Connells
- All right, pure delight
喜氣洋洋,我們早已整裝待發 To see you stand in all your glory 榮耀加身,只見您屹然佇立 Oh the joys when your boys hit distant soil 攻城略地,士兵們個個容光煥發 And i hope to try to answer those who criticize you 我必將努力捍衛您的名譽 Lead the sheep in their sleep to slaughter 中了催眠的計謀,他們終成待宰的羔羊 Wont abide, pushed aside 踐踏權威,凌駕萬物,您的威武無人可敵 Let me know when youve decided 如果您做了什麼決定,請讓我提前知道好嗎 Ill decline when the sign says 'over there' 這樣當您發出“向前進”的號令時,我才好臨陣脫逃 Your game has a name 您的輝煌,必將載入史冊 Force and fury, fact and fiction 暴戾恣睢,虛實輪迴 Sound the call, and the walls will tumble 聽那號角,敵方城牆終將如山倒 All right, pure delight 喜氣沖天,我們早已整裝待發 To see you stand in all your glory 榮耀加身,只見您屹然佇立 Oh the joys when your boys hit distant soil 攻破城,略過地,士兵們個個心花怒放 Wont abide, pushed aside 踐踏權威,凌駕萬物,您的威武無人可敵 Let me know when youve decided 如果您做了什麼決定,請讓我提前知道好嗎 Ill decline when the sign says 'over there' 這樣當您發出“向前進”的號令時,我才好臨陣脫逃