- Set It Off Partners In Crime 歌詞
- Set It Off
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你絕不可能活捉我們 Youll never take us alive 我們發誓只有死亡才能將我們分開 We swore that death will do us part 他們將會把我們的罪行稱作藝術品 Theyll call our crimes a work of art 你絕不可能活捉我們 Youll never take us alive 我們將活得像被寵壞的王室 Well live like spoiled royalty 愛人和夥伴 Lovers and partners 犯罪同夥 Partners in crime 犯罪同夥 Partners in crime 這是一個不顧後果的愛的傳說 This a tale of reckless love 過著不斷犯罪不斷逃亡的生活 Living a life of crime on the run 以槍為畫刷 A brush to a gun 將國家畫成綠色 To paint these states green 和紅色 And red 每個人都不准動 Everybody freeze 站住 Nobody move 把錢放到包裡 Put the money in the bag 否則我們就開槍了 Or we will shoot 把金庫倒空 Empty out the vault 然後我就要帶著我的玩物上路 And me and my doll will be on our way 我們的通緝海報席捲街道 Our paper faces flood the streets 如果熱量近得足夠燃燒 and if the heat comes close enough to burn 那我們就與火共舞 Then well play with fire 因為 Cause 你絕不可能活捉我們 Youll never take us alive 我發誓死亡才能將我們分開 We swore that death will do us part 他們會把我們的罪行稱作藝術品 Theyll call our crimes a work of art 你絕不可能活捉我們 Youll never take us alive 我們會活得像被寵壞的王室 Well live like spoiled royalty 愛人和夥伴 Lovers and partners 犯罪同夥 Partners in crime 犯罪同夥 Partners in crime 在這裡我們找到了無所不能的亡命之徒 Here we find our omnipotent outlaws 落在磨人的今夜之後 Fall behind the grind tonight 還是沒意識到那孤單的店主不會平靜下來 Left unaware that the lone store owner wont go down 沒有一場打鬥的話 without a fight 我們將要去哪裡 Where we gonna go 他壓制住了我們 Hes got us pinned 寶貝兒我有點害怕 Baby Im a little scared 現在你不能退出 Now dont you quit 他已經拉響了警報 Hes sounded the alarm 我聽見鳴笛聲漸近 I hear the sirens closing in 我們的通緝海報席捲街道 Our paper faces flood the streets 如果熱量近得足夠燃燒 and if the heat comes close enough to burn 我們將把這個地方燒成灰燼 Then were burning this place to the ground 因為 Cause 你絕不可能活捉我們 Youll never take us alive 我們發誓死亡才能將我們分開 We swore that death will do us part 他們會把我們的罪行稱作藝術品 Theyll call our crimes a work of art 你絕不可能活捉我們 Youll never take us alive 我們會活得像被寵壞的王室 Well live like spoiled royalty 愛人和夥伴 Lovers and partners 犯罪同夥 Partners in crime 這裡是 This is sheriffs police 警察局! department! 舉起手出來! Come out with your hands up! 我們已經包圍了這裡! We have the place surrounded! 放下武器! Put your weapons down! 放下武器! PUT YOUR WEAPONS DOWN! 準備! Ready men! 瞄準! Aim! 開火! FIRE! 充血的腦袋看天空是黑色的 The skies are black with blood-filled brain 一場病態的畫作展覽 A morbid painting on display 這是年輕的愛人死去的晚上 This is the night the young love died 葬在彼此的身旁 Buried at each others side 你絕不可能活捉我們 You never took us alive 我發誓死亡才能將我們分開 We swore that death will do us part 所以現在我們碰見你在黑暗裡徘徊 So now we haunt you in the dark 你絕不可能活捉我們 You never took us alive 我們像鬼魂一樣活在街道之間 We live as ghost among these streets 愛人和夥伴 Lovers and partners 犯罪同夥 Partners in crime 犯罪同夥 Partners in crime 犯罪同夥 Partners in crime