- Make It Happen 歌詞 Quintino & Blasterjaxx ZTM41
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- ZTM41 Make It Happen 歌詞
- Quintino & Blasterjaxx ZTM41
- 編曲: ZTM41
從一個城市到另一個城市,從海的這端到彼岸 Track 5: Make It Happen 我們讓它發生 Producer-ZTM41 滄海之廣,世界之大 Mixed By-ZTM41 讓我們放手去做吧 Recorded By-ZTM41 愛那熱辣的一切 Performer, Written By-ZTM41、Innersoul(USA) 哥們Innersoul來了
還有比電流更多更強的Flow 41把mc的力量傳遞 這股電流被獨立音樂人所消化 NYC到HRB建立真理陣地 沒錯,我的唱段無拘無束 把技巧融會貫通研磨粉碎 讓覺思之星火穿過第三隻眼 甜蜜果實與汗血淚才最匹配 保持高階開悟 I have a dream人們能夠走出迷霧 唱段無一刻停歇 不再迷路把藝術當做神的禮物 是精神旅者,是那鏡中之人(前者是William Blake的一首詩,後者是MJ的歌) 兩種膚色同樣的苦樂 讓你的腦乾結構發生變化 不錯承載負荷中度過尋求突破 禪之義理(Innersoul專輯The Theory中的一首歌) 誰在那裡量體裁衣削足適履 讓我來告訴你 麻煩千篇一律不要讓這機會失去 我是暗夜騎士,對抗那些想封鎖我的冒牌MC是我使命之一 若現實真的把我逼到Game7 嘿,我得家庭有了個小小新成員 那我是站在45度角的Kirey Irving 小男子漢萊斯安東尼 生平像朵蒲公英注定是我宿命 祈福那預言中得到的教訓 遊走於黃道十二宮行踪無定 如此一來,我將勢不可當 那顆流星就是我的自由也是我的 讓我意識清醒保持理性 但是我總覺著人不能吞聲躲著 實際上,我得哲學理論教導就像KRS-ONE 為攻擊我而造的武器必將被摧毀 在耶魯和哈佛演講 所有審判詆毀我的言論必將被定罪 你知道你比誰都渴望真的Hip-Hop 刷刷在那東嚴肅中的輕鬆 我把它的種子從美國帶到中國 願你抬頭仰望星空天馬行空 沒錯你知道我做的更好 My soul live in heaven 字字珠璣 Shining like a diamond 升騰開悟 我的押韻從來不停頓So make it happen 掙脫時間之鍊帶你來到我的實存之域 如果你被惡臭的生活折磨生了銹 我是被保佑的那一個 那快過來聽聽41還有innersoul 你明白我不知焦慮為何物 From city to city, and shore to shore 就像Organized Konfusion一樣(黃金年代雙人組,成員Prince Po & Pharoah Monch,上句“Stress”亦為其名曲) we makin it happen 消除我心龕意識中一切雜念 From sea to sea, and shore to shore 故我能了卻煩惱升躍三摩 we makin it happen 沒錯,從這裡到心輪中樞之上 Love hits the pardigan 從一個城市到另一個城市,從大洋此端到彼岸 Innersoul my friends 我們讓其實現 with more flows than the electrical currents 世界之大 Through the stomach of the indie 讓我們開始去做吧 Indeed i rhyme free 來自大洋兩岸 Let the sparks fly through the third eye 還有哥們XD,一塊來吧 Still i high Innersoul和ZTMatic41正在路上 Lyrics wont stop 在現在,更在將來 Mental Traveler, Man in the mirror 每個城市,每個角落 Making your brain stem bend 我們讓其實現 The Theory of Zen 橫跨大洋,縱橫兩岸 Innersoul begins 放手大干吧 Im the dark knight born to fight the To the phony MCs who tend to rope me like do addition to my family My little man is me Reece Anthony The blessing the lesson learned from the prophecy Nothing stopping me this time Got my mind intact In fact, My philosophy is to teach like KRS Speaking at Yale and Harvard Yea you know you staving for the real hip-hop I bringing crop seeds from America to China Yea you know im finer YO ill with the lyrics i got the spirit Coming through time on time you know my era The I double N E R S O U L the blessing one you know i never stress Like Organized Konfusion Killing all the stress in my mind yo fusing Am i that's why im fly Yes, From here to the top of the chest From city to city, and shore to shore we makin it happen From sea to sea, and shore to shore we makin it happen From sea to sea, and shore to shore XD making it happen making the s00t happen We Innersoul and ZTMatic41 making it happen We making it happen From city to city, and shore to shore we makin it happen From sea to sea, and shore to shore we makin it happen
感謝: 格林葉GreenYea、語嫣、75、Nicole