- PewDiePie T-series Diss Track 歌詞
- PewDiePie
- I don't like you T-Series
我不喜歡你T-Series Nothing personal, kid 沒什麼個人原因 But I must go all out 但我必須全力以赴 Just this once 只此一次 Bobs or vegana, whichever will it be? Bobs or Vegana (指女性部位,取笑印度人英語拼寫錯誤的流行語), 你要選哪個 Sit the **** down T-Series I'm here to spill the real tea (uh) 坐下來聽聽我來講些真八卦 You tryna dethrone me from spot on number one 你想取代我成為油管第一? But you India, you lose, so best think you haven't won 但你是印度你就別想贏了 When I'm through with you 等我打敗你 We're gonna be completely ******' done 我們就勢不兩立了 'Cause we only just begun 因為我們才剛剛開始 I review you *clap clap* 我給你打分 Zero, bye *****, gone 你只拿個0 So come on T-Series 來吧T-Series Looking hungry for some drama 你這麼飢渴想搞點事 Here, let me serve you ***** lasagna 來,我餵你這個**吃點烤寬麵條 *** ** lasagna, ***** lasagna **,吃寬麵條(***** lasagna指只調情不上床的女人) T-Series ain't nothing but a **** *, lasagna T-Series就是一個**,吃寬麵條 ***** lasagna, ***** lasagna **,吃寬麵條 Look at T-Series they just crying for their momma 看看T-Series只會哭著叫媽媽 ***** lasagna, ***** lasagna **,吃寬麵條 T- Series ain't nothing but a *****, lasagna T-Series就是一個**,吃寬麵條 ***** lasagna, ***** lasagna **,吃寬麵條 T-Series just wet themselves in their pajama 看看T-Series嚇的都尿了褲子 So who the hell is Bob, and why you wanna kiss him? (ew) Bob是誰(回應上文印度人拼寫boob錯誤), 你為啥想親他 I'm a blue eyes white dragon, while you're just dark magician (oof) 我是青眼白龍,而你是黑暗法師 You got a fifth of the population in your nation but 你的人口占了世界1/5 I got nine-year-olds of worlds so hold your defecation (oops) 但9歲的孩子都是我的粉絲 Motu Patlu, what the **** is that even supposed to mean? Motu Patlu (Pewds取笑過的印度兒童節目), 那是什麼鬼 Your language sounds like it came from a mumble rap community 你的語言像是含糊不清的說唱詞 No papa, no papa, yes papa, Johnny 選自一首美國流行兒童歌曲,在此諷刺幼稚 Now down all of this sugar and let's throw this ******* party with some — 現在撕開你的面具來給這場狂歡加點 ** *** lasagna, ***** lasagna **,吃寬麵條 Look at T-Series they just crying for their momma 看看T-Series只會哭著叫媽媽 ***** lasagna, ***** lasagna **,吃寬麵條 T-Series ain't nothing but a ***** lasagna T-Series就是一個* *,吃寬麵條 ***** lasagna, ***** lasagna **,吃寬麵條 Look at T-Series they just wetting their pajama 看看T- Series嚇的都尿了褲子 ***** lasagna, ***** lasagna **,吃寬麵條 T-Series ain't nothing but a ***** lasagna T-Series就是一個**,吃寬麵條 You got a population of 1.32 billion 你的人口有1.32億 But most your videos can't seem to hit even a million 但你的視頻播放量連100萬都不到 Sub-bot! 水軍刷粉!