- Odessa grow 歌詞
- Odessa
- Kiss me soft and tenderly
給我一個溫柔又深情的吻 Our love is young 我們之間愛意漸起 Our hearts they beat 你我怦然心動 I want to tell you everything 我想告訴你我的一切 My darkest secrets promise you'll keep 你也會知曉我那不為人知的秘密 I'll share my house and things with you 我會和你分享任何東西 This world of mine is your world too 我的世界同樣屬於你 Let it grow around (let it grown around) 我們慢慢培養愛 Let it grow around (let it grown around) 你我愛意漸濃 Let it grow around my feet 愛意從腳下開始蔓延 Let it grow around (let it grown around) 對你的愛不斷增長 Let it grow around (let it grown around) 愈加劇烈 Let it grow around my knees 它慢慢將我包圍 As the days turn into weeks 時光逐漸流逝 Weeks to years and years go by 年復一年 Our eyes will hold the memories of life and death and inbetween 直到我們一起在生命盡頭回望這一生 So kiss soft and tenderly 再次溫柔地親吻我吧 Our love is old but our heart still beats 我們相愛到老卻依然擁有活力 Let it grow around (let it grown around) 讓愛生長 Let it grow around (let it grown around) 我們的愛情永不磨滅 Let it grow around my feet 愛情像花在腳下生長 Let it grow around (let it grown around) 讓它蔓延 Let it grow around (let it grown around) 讓愛不會停止 Let it grow around my knees 讓愛之花繼續生長 Let it grow around (let it grown around) 花兒慢慢生長 Let it grow around ( let it grown around) 愛情繼續增長 Let it grow around my hips 愛情將會把我包圍 Let it grow around (let it grown around) 讓愛發展 Let it grow around (let it grown around) 繼續我們的愛情 Let it grow around my teeth 愛情終將把我淹沒 Let it grow around (let it grown around) 我對你的愛一直在增加 Let it grow around (let it grown around) 未曾減弱 Let it grow around my knees 我對你痴心不改 Let it grow around (let it grown around) 愛在生長 Let it grow around (let it grown around) 愛在生長 Let it grow around my feet 它生在我腳下 Let it grow around (let it grown around) 繼續蔓延 Let it grow around (let it grown around) 永不停止 Let it grow around my knees 愛生在我雙膝 Let it grow around (let it grown around) 繼續生長 Let it grow around (let it grown around) 永不消失 Let it grow around my feet 對你的愛永藏於我心