- Joshua Radin Better Life 歌詞
- Joshua Radin
- 製作人: Jonathan Wilson
我不知道你將去往何處 I don't know which way you're going 我不知道你曾經歷什麼 And I don't know the things you've seen 我仍在日復一日守護 All I know is I'm still holding onto 你對我說的每字每句 Every word you said to me 當我棲停於你的港灣 And as I land on the sand of your shores 我知道我們的故事未完待續 I know there's so much more 前路光明 Ooh, there's a better life, yeah 未來可期 Ooh, there's a better life, yeah 大好歲月行則將至 On our way to better days, can you leave it all 當你凝視我時 Behind, when you look into my eyes 我忽而覺得 There's a better life 未來光明可期 There's a better life 我感受到你的心跳 I feel the rhythm of your heartbeat 如鼓點使我心雀躍 Running through me like a drum 或有一日時光倒流 Someday we' ll go back like car seats 我們重歸相遇的起點 Began as strangers but I know what we'll become 我跋山涉水不遠萬里而來 Even though I'm from so far away 只願為你駐足相伴餘生 It's here I wanna stay 前路光明 Ooh, there's a better life, yeah 未來可期 Ooh, there's a better life, yeah 大好歲月行則將至 On our way to better days, can you leave it all 當你凝視我時 Behind, when you look into my eyes 我忽而覺得 There's a better life 未來光明可期 There's a better life 若你承諾對我敞開心門 And if you promise that you'll open your door 我願將靈魂託付於你 I trust that you won't lie to me 讓我看到一個更完整的你吧 Just show me something more, so I can see 前路光明 Ooh, there's a better life, yeah 未來可期 Ooh, there's a better life, yeah 大好歲月行則將至 On our way to better days, there's a better life, yeah 前路光明 There's a better life, yeah 未來可期 There's a better life, yeah 大好歲月行則將至on our way to better days, Theresa better life, yeah<比如>