- YYC Save 歌詞
- 作曲:Immortal Beats
作詞:楊翼誠 can you save it for my life you can do it to a try all right funk it so high homie your heart don't want to die can you save it for my life you can do it to a try all right funk it so high homie your heart don't want to die 困難當頭疑惑相謀朋友兄弟情意全都放在人生正中間 將相王侯不解鄉愁忙於朝政理財國家里內外如日中天 朋友圈我發歌時候評價是我homie 不關注我不欣賞我還說什麼兄弟 你們那些爛歌抵不過我三層功力 三層功力掃平家鄉讓你精神空寂 O,你只配behind my soul 湊,你只會東拼西湊 然後找個機構,套上假的皮肉, 哪有自己真實的flow,那麼晶瑩剔透, bro can you save it for my life you can do it to a try all right funk it so high homie your heart don't want to die can you save it for my life you can do it to a try all right funk it so high homie your heart don't want to die can you save it for my life you can do it to a try all right funk it so high homie your heart don' t want to die 假的嘴巴辣手摧花分不清楚誰才是最佳人選 台下觀眾為你歡送而我言重說你就是那個不知深淺 我們為了中文說唱玩的多樣掀起波浪外國播放每天錄音到整點 背後有人興風作浪裝模作樣阻礙茁壯朋友圈裡抱怨遭受到冷眼 你們毀了中文說唱這塊牌匾 參加節目肯定是要停留海選 聽到這首內心聲音讓你白臉 自我反思發現自己差得太遠 yeah,中文說唱,來自云南玉溪,總是超出你的預期,用說唱把你狙擊,you can know me bro can you save it for my life you can do it to a try all right funk it so high homie your heart don't want to die can you save it for my life you can do it to a try all right funk it so high homie your heart don't want to die 我說來說去說了那麼多的真話, 突然評論區又跑出那麼多的專家, 其實他們欣賞音樂只是走馬觀花 請你立正稍息靠邊滾遠好嗎, 而你非要彰顯這過人的才藝 請你記住不是一場喊麥的台戲 我也不是專業rapper專業來自會計 如果你們早懂這歌身價早過百億 我要為你放一個慶祝的煙花 請你記住別嫉妒這幾步的偏差 還有超群出眾的技術的碾壓 最後記錄雲南說唱來自高原的仙家。 can you save it for my life youcan do it to a try all right funk it so high homie your heart don't want to die can you save it for my life you can do it to a try all right funk it so high homie your heart don't want to die can you save it for my life you can do it to a try all right funk it so high homie your heart don't want to die