- Emily Bindiger March 歌詞
- Emily Bindiger
- dancing with my shadow
與我的影子共舞 my springtime now is coming 我的春天現在來了 every tiny flower 每一朵微小的花 is singing about what love is 都是關於愛的歌 bless me with some memories 給我一些美好的回憶 you taught me how to feel yet one more 你教會了我如何去感受 lonely ache one more sigh 孤獨的疼痛與傷口再一次嘆息悲鳴 for your eyes for your soul 為了你的眼睛為了你的靈魂 pressed in my book of pleasure 緊貼在我這本名為快樂的書中 a crumpled four-leaf clover 一片褶皺的四葉草 rustling for the old days 對著過去沙沙作響 the moments that I treasure 我珍惜的那些時刻 take my hand, my shadow 牽我的手我的影子 you left me on a summers day 你離開我在夏季的一天 but I dance with you only 但我只與你共舞 hear the wind, 聽見風 now that spring is coming with all the joy and laughter 現在春天所有的快樂和笑聲 in the sky 在天空中 all the birds are singing for this happy season 所有的鳥兒都在為這個歡樂的季節唱著歌 you shall hear 你將要聽到的 sweeter whispers of love under all the branches 甜蜜的情話在所有的樹枝下 now in March, every leaf and cloud are shining bright 現在在三月每片樹葉和雲都是那麼明亮 without you 在沒有你的時候
「March」 Lyric:Yuki Kajiura Arrangement:Yuki Kajiura Programming:Yuki Kajiura Vocal&Chrous∶Emily Bindiger 在我的夢裡徘徊 in my dreams I wander 通過這些散落零星的花朵 through all those scattered flowers 我在你身邊微笑 how I smiled beside you 像一個新出世的天使 like a new born angel 保佑我和你的回憶 bless me with your memories 就像陽光下的庇護所 just like shelter from the sunlight 我為你歌唱 I sing for you only 在空中 in the air 看到三月的來臨,帶來歡笑和歡樂 see that March is coming, bringing joy and laughter 在山上 on the hill 所有的花兒都在綻放著希望的祝愿 all the flowers are in bloom with hopeful wishes 聽見了鐘聲 hear the bells 在河岸的對面讚頌光與影 ring across the river praising light and shadow 現在,在三月,每首歌的靈魂 now in March, every song and soul 都充滿喜悅 are filled with joy 聽見風 hear the wind, 現在春天即將愛人的榮耀一同來臨 now that spring is coming with the lovers glory 在天空中 in the sky 所有的鳥兒都在為失落的幻想唱著歌 all the birds are singing for the lost illusions 你將要聽到的 you shall hear 甜蜜的情話在所有的樹枝下 sweeter whispers of love under all the branches 現在在三月每片樹葉和雲都是那麼明亮 in March, every leaf and cloud are shining bright 在沒有你的時候 without you
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