- FO$NRD1.31 Candy BABY 歌詞
- FO$NRD1.31
- 《Candy BABY》99+%
製作人:STL 錄音:Unknown record studio 和聲:Hollie wang 電話:Hollie wang Magic cube oh my lady 太多太多情話說過真的我好累 Too much honeyed word, made me the most exhausted in the world 不像所有pussy他們都叫你寶貝 Not like other pussy, they all call you honey 只有鄰居家的肌肉猛男才搞G The muscle jerks from my neighbor, they are gays and they **** each other 抽煙紋身喝酒不代表就會找妹 Smoking, tattooing and drinking, it doesnt mean youre good at flirting 他們總說漂亮女孩全部在周圍 They always say beautiful girls are easy to seek 不捨看你流淚眼淚會讓我心碎 Dont wanna see you cry, tears make me heartbreak 無數次的買醉因為或許很般配 Innumerable hangover, maybe we were made for each other 為了那句承諾寧願接受去卑微 I 'm willing to take the place of inferior, for the commitment I offer, 心痛最終無奈卻拉著手 My heart burns even though our hands are holding 夢裡那些回憶醒來還很感動 Those memories from the dream, after waking up still very touching 看破不說 謊言還沒聽夠 Fairy tales goes and I'm still listening, I know your tricks without saying 他總再說 Hes been kept talking 一直在說 Kept talking BABY 你是我的BABY You are my BABY 晚安也說BABY Good night, BABY 想你想你BABY Miss you miss you BABY 戀愛就是BABY Love is BABY 奮不顧身BABY Desperate BABY 甘願做你傀儡 I 'm willing to be your Barbie. 今晚夜色最美 The night is pretty just like your beauty. oh my Baby BABY 你是我的BABY You are my BABY 晚安也說BABY Good night,BABY 想你想你BABY Miss you miss you BABY 戀愛就是BABY Love is BABY 奮不顧身BABY Desperate BABY 甘願做你傀儡 I'm willing to be your Barbie. 今晚夜色最美 Thenight is pretty just like your beauty. 他們總說漂亮女孩全部在周圍 They always say beautiful girls are easy to seek 不捨看你流淚眼淚會讓我心碎 Dont wanna see you cry, tears make me heartbreak 無數次的買醉因為或許很般配 Innumerable hangover, maybe we were made for each other 為了那句承諾 I'm willing to take the place of inferior, 遇到你我心澎湃 幸福步入新時代 When I first met you, my heart was throbbing. Let's get on the stage, without waiting. 你脾氣怪 實力派 閃閃發光惹人愛 You have weird temper. Youre a real power. Youre shining and adorable, just like a flower. 我痞子帥 樣貌壞 拍拖的時候絕對不等待 I look like a thug when appearing, but I never wait when dating. 一切為愛去展現 不只看表面 Don't judge a book by its cover. 別再把我拒門外 Dont slam the door on my face neither. Hi baby ,I want you to know,each day I love you more, today more than yesterday I dont want to hear that! We are finished oh my lady 太多太多情話說過真的我好累 Too much honeyed word, made me the most exhausted in the world 不像所有pussy他們都叫你寶貝 Not like other pussy, they all call you honey 只有鄰居家的肌肉猛男才搞G The muscle jerks from my neighbor, they are gays and they **** each other 抽煙紋身喝酒不代表就會找妹 Smoking, tattooing and drinking, it doesnt mean youre good at flirting 他們總說漂亮女孩全部在周圍 They always say beautiful girls are easy to seek 不捨看你流淚眼淚會讓我心碎 Dont wanna see you cry, tears make me heartbreak 無數次的買醉因為或許很般配 Innumerable hangover, maybe we were made for each other 為了那句承諾寧願接受去卑微 I'm willing to take the place of inferior, for the commitment I offer, 心痛最終無奈卻拉著手 My heart burns even though our hands are holding 夢裡那些回憶醒來還很感動 Those memories from the dream, after waking up still very touching 看破不說 謊言還沒聽夠 Fairy tales goes and I'm still listening, I know your tricks without saying 他總再說 Hes been kept talking 一直在說