- Pinback Sender 歌詞
- Pinback
- Shoes crack where you walk
你經由時步履急促作響 Settle down 切勿焦躁徬徨 Inside, outside, amazing 吸呼任每個細胞愉悅舒張 Cut it back 漸趨平穩心若止水 Get in some clean fresh air 讓清甜的空氣喚醒你遲鈍已久的嗅覺挑逗你翕動的鼻翼
銳角如刀鋪天蓋地割斷 Acute angles, divide my 我瘋狂尋覓求之不得的未卜前路 Path that I had lost 我遺失於昔悵惘於今的未知迷途 Path that I had lost 銳角如劍長驅直入撕裂 Acute angles, divide my 我遠眺我的未卜前路瑟瑟戰栗 Path that I had lost 我遙望我的未知迷途踽踽不前 Path that I had lost 如簧巧舌似被打了死結如鯁在喉欲言卻又止 Tongue tied, couldn' t talk 切勿亂了分寸 Settle down 吸呼任每一瓣靈魂歡欣起舞 Inside, outsides amazing 若有所失卻不知有捨才有得 Haven' t lost 若今心如死灰何嘗泛起一絲漣漪? Haven' t cared at all 銳角如刀鋪天蓋地割斷
我瘋狂尋覓求之不得的未卜前路 Acute angles, divide my 我遺失於昔悵惘於今的未知迷途 Path that I had lost 銳角如劍長驅直入撕裂 Path that I had lost 我遠眺我的未卜前路瑟瑟戰栗 Acute angles, divide my 我遙望我的未知迷途踽踽不前 Path that I had lost 你且望水天相接之處船隻劃過優美而筆直的痕跡 Path that I had lost 你也知它會義無反顧順航道而行向未來而生
你反顧審視自己一個送花的使者罷了啊 And when you see a boat come in a straight line 有借無還的舊賬陳跡你欠下了不計其數 You know it' s going straight down 我已瞑目卻體會不到死亡的輕盈 And then you feel like a flower sender 唯黑暗如潮洶湧堵塞了我的口鼻 Lender, like you 唯黑暗如墨潑灑刺痛著我的雙目 I close my eyes 雲霧繚繞的水箱游絲般逸出迷幻藥劑 Nothing to see here 徒勞無功遍遍稀釋你卻樂此不疲 Nothing to see here 不離左右過往也隨之而泯 Cloud tank, given off 一晃而逝的極致興奮過後是百無聊賴 Watered down 再念悔矣不公才是生活的真諦 Stick side outside, the razing. 銳角如刀鋪天蓋地割斷 Wasn ' t cool 我瘋狂尋覓求之不得的未卜前路 Wasn' t fair at all 我遺失於昔悵惘於今的未知迷途
銳角如劍長驅直入撕裂 Acute angles, dividemy 我遠眺我的未卜前路瑟瑟戰栗 Path that I had lost 我遙望我的未知迷途踽踽不前 Path that I had lost 我已瞑目卻體會不到死亡的輕盈 Acute angles, divide my 我已瞑目卻體會不到遺世的豁然 Path that I had lost 你且觀紅日當空日光撕開無底深淵並肆意窺探 Path that I had lost 你也知這世界已崩離解析離末日窮途不遠 I close my eyes 僅需一針眼般大小的蟲洞足以炸出一片斑斕
熾熱的火球愈滾愈奇大無比 I close my eyes 你有恃無恐狂喜而祈盼超新星的洗禮
我已瞑目卻體會不到死亡的輕盈 And when you see the big crack in the sunlight 唯黑暗如墨潑灑刺痛著我的雙目 You know it' s over somehow 熾熱的火球愈滾愈奇大無比 And then a pinhole sky expodes out 你有恃無恐狂喜而祈盼超新星的洗禮 Ball of fire 我已瞑目卻體會不到遺世的豁然 Supernova falls down on you 唯黑暗如潮洶湧堵塞了我的口鼻 I close my eyes 熾熱的火球愈滾愈奇大無比 Nothing to see here 你有恃無恐狂喜而祈盼超新星的洗禮 Ball of fire 我已瞑目卻體會不到死亡的輕盈 Supernova falls down on you 唯黑暗如墨潑灑刺痛著我的雙目 I close my eyes Nothing to see here Ball of fire Supernova falls down on you I close my eyes Nothing to see here