- 黑叉 寒Demo ft.Lizah 歌詞
- Lizah 黑叉
- Damn I've been walking on the dark freezing night the other side
見鬼怎麼路的盡頭又是一片漆黑 Of the world witches cries who am I wanna hide from the light 想藏進周圍鬼魅的哭聲裡試著找回自己 tears dropping down my face 眼淚又如此湍急 I mma wipe it off 抬起袖子抹去 thought you wanna watch me sob 別妄想看我在角落抽泣 As I questioned many times should I 從前的我不斷質問 give it a strike 是否該予以回應 Confusion repeated till it 問題接踵而至 colored my eyes 直到思緒變得錯綜複雜 Crawling in the forest carrying a tragic story 執意願蹣跚在自己擬定的悲劇裡 About to be drowning 迷失自我 他們都拖著沾滿血的腳印 當下trash存在居然不是為了保命 蔓延預警提示音 重溫著也是他們的僥倖 下作的行徑 所以不能夠裝作每天去平平淡淡的 聽聽看 如今整條街道佈滿沙仁犯 沒事兒乾的廢物已經佔了一大半 都對著為了你這跪著醉了垃圾因為你不睡了對麼paper By imagining what's happening it's ravaging heart damaging 猜測著什麼能使人中傷 Less courage managing gradually vanishing shit strategy 陰謀使弱者愈發迷惘 Wondering how the fxxk can I make a further step 該如何邁步能走向前方 sneak in my old stash it all crashed its seems so sad 不如隱匿等外界佈滿砒霜 人設不停換郭楠錢不停賺掌權者數千萬跟著不斷出產 置身事外假裝不連貫 緊接著環境污染 殊不知慘無人道理解成作為一介孤膽 後分你半壁江山 Tear up the nightmares 將夢魘四分五裂 Get rid of the fears but 恐懼也就隨之泯滅 Why do I see tears 可我為何看到 Dropping from nowhere 有淚水在風裡搖曳 The world is shaped square 這世間看似方圓 bunch of craps to take care 而我卻孤立無援 Something worth share 風中有禮贈與我 Is the smell of dream in the air 誰又將美夢寄託 刺痛負重人格當作商品附送 Ain' t got no idea how to take a step 仍不知從何開始 Still had to find my way out 而終點絕不在此 你毀了我的生活所以隨時引爆 There's too much I cannot live properly Without 物是人非 你們鬼迷心竅吧繼續瞎子摸象吧 Congrats for the vanish of conscience 別去悼念你那一文不值的良知 banned from the banquet tonight 唯一僅存的那點也被公開封禁 仇恨繼續覆蓋 一樣的保持固態 添加奸詐是你傳播的故事梗概 trading are supposed to be sanctioned for crimes 這種人性間的交易本應被取締 but pending never ends what the freak Damn it 然而出賣靈魂的買賣卻無止境 for the weaks never even had a chance to get rid of the unchangeable destiny 弱者在命運面前宛如螻蟻 So when our guts leak It must be sick 手無寸鐵閉著眼踏入險境這無謂的犧牲 Hopefully The entire society would be activated against the massive hatred 能否改變這仇恨帶來的無休止的戰爭 Translated carefully state it demonstrate it not waited until it outdated 願這吶喊可以被準時傳達將人們裝滿憎惡的心淨化 So irritate the rage don't be underestimated by haters 這世界並不是為將人們奴役而建立的牢籠所以無需猶豫 who built the cage is only for those population enslaved by savage's regulations 結束這以血為價的征程為此鼓起勇氣 No hesitation to end the bloody domination by them actors get over the stagnation 直面這艱難險阻與之抗衡 So you gonna bravely rape the vipers tape the gate of the cave where they escape from 再將這世間一切已扭曲的事物 then shake the liquid break their brains squeeze it make it into the right shape 回歸原樣
WHO? 一樣的沖蝕褪去 每個寒冷心門都在 重拾悲劇 符合運轉規律 擅長把自由國度一個個都變成監獄 這都是為了提升匯率 奴隸都會物以類聚 其實只是做個比喻 你看他多像喜劇 不過巧言令色 我順帶添上幾句 配上寒風的呻吟 沒有溫度的森林 心甘情願去服刑 沒有主見的村民 你們喜歡暴動的噪音 你們喜歡高級的綠蔭 你們喜歡p和黃金 你去like你的like 別再入侵人心