- 駝兒 cyberbird 歌詞
- 駝兒
- 丹,你看空中有隻機器鳥
hey Denny,you see that cyber bird on the sky? 什麼? wait what? 機器鳥! a cyber bird! 真的耶! Oh I see,its a cyber bird! 等一下… 我覺得那不只是隻鳥 wait…no,I think its…her [00:03.693] [00:03.693] 你何時見過血淋淋的心也會悄然無息消失呢 any time you see a bloody heart disappears? 把機器安裝在肉體的軀殼就能感受到幸福嗎 pretend to be a machine wont make you any happier 從火熱到冰冷的過程是否又有真的這麼簡單呢 It is never easy to get cold in summer 千萬不要焦急把靈魂當作交易 no rush,do not trade your soul 然後假裝痛徹心扉過 and pretend nothing happened [00:04.945] [00:04.945] 經過漫長的自我說服 after long time of self persuasion 她來到巷子深處 she came to the deep alley 靈光一閃無中生有一座破舊小屋 a shabby room appears from no where 她化絕望為勇氣 she got courage from depression 憂傷作成動力 and the motivation is sadness 汗水自頸骨劃過蒸發了她所有顧慮 all her concerns evaporated into air through sweating 她說她想化身成一隻小小鳥(一隻小小鳥) she said she wants to turn to a bird 空中飛過他時就可以瞧一瞧(就可以瞧一瞧) in order to see him again from the sky 不用在乎其他肉體雜亂無章的心跳 without any scares of prejudice 靠著本能生活簡單地就像玩笑 live freely like a total joke [01:06.684] [01:06.684] 姑娘,我不確定你有沒有想好 hey girl,I am not sure if you decide to do it 你知道上帝讓你生而為人 you know god choose you in this form 是有她的理由的 there is gotta be a reason 我明白你的靈魂在逐漸消逝 I understand your faith these days has gradually loosen 但是出於良心我希望你堅持住 but it still my conscious to persuade you not to give up and keep it 你不能想像這有多痛 you cant imagine how painful is it (你看到這鋒利的刀子了嗎) (you see the knife so sharp) 七情六欲都將被禁止 desires and loveswill be forbidden (我不認為你不在乎) (I doubt if you don't care) 過去的點點滴滴將化為塵埃 the past life and memories will also be in to ashes 就算是最珍貴的瞬間也將煙消雲散 even precious moment in just seconds you gon ready to lose it 思維將被轉化為最簡單的模式 the mind gonna transfer to the simplest form 當冬天來臨你將無處躲藏 and you will never be rested when you start loosing warm [01:39.585] [01:39.585] 一字一字的警告刺不進她的心裡 she can't hear any warns 由內而外的執拗讓她如今失去了余地 such a stubborn little girl has no way back 一轉眼它已經自由穿梭在雲間 After while,a birds flys between clouds 日月交替是它眼中唯一標準時間 the rise and fall of the sun is the standard of time 雲彩的形狀各異它可能偶爾也會遐想 sometimes the bird dreams about the clouds 縮在窩裡的時候會顯得楚楚可憐 it looks so cute when the bird sleeps in nest [01 :59.333] [01:59.333] 它不知道自己究竟飛了多久 the bird has no idea how long she flied 它也想不起前世的舊恨新愁 the bird can't remember a lot 雲層中的世界熟悉又陌生 the world in clouds sometimes is familiar and sometimes not 自己被誰孕育悔恨又從何而生 who gives her birth and what is the source of all these annoying sounds 好像有被誰拯救過又好像被他拋棄 but she remembers someone saved and abandoned her 好像曾經放下過又好像糾纏不清 someone put her down and let her happy
你何時見過血淋淋的心也會悄然無息消失呢 any time you see a bloody heart disappears? 把機器安裝在肉體的軀殼就能感受到幸福嗎 pretend to be a machine wont make you any happier 千萬不要焦急把靈魂當作交易 no rush,do not trade your soul 然後假裝痛徹心扉過 and pretend nothing happened
男孩上膛了他的獵槍 the boy loaded his gun 瞄準了那隻鳥 aim at the bird 它本可以躲過卻因男孩似曾相識而備受干擾 the bird could get off,but something stopped her 最終一槍打在了翅膀上 a shot on the wing 又一槍直中內核 another on the core 雪地上的幾根金屬羽毛 a couple of plumes fall on the ground 味道如血液般深刻 can you distinguish the smell of rust and blood? 她努力不去想 the bird tries not think about it 努力不去想 感到疼痛的時候她努力不去想 when she feels hurt 她努力不去想 走馬燈被點亮的時候她努力不去想 when the slide of life plays