- 尹韜_Squidward Sorry 歌詞
- 尹韜_Squidward
- Beat by boy50
Mixed by M-808
What am i gonna do now 我該做什麼 Still bitting my finger or around 一直心慌不知所措 I cant feel no pain cause u got me insean 我感受不到痛苦因為你讓我瘋狂 The elevter door is opening just like brain now 腦袋像電梯門一樣打開了 Let me pick up da thing again 讓我再次重操舊業 Dont u remind da berry 你不記得我了麼 I will keep eatting till my ankel is heavy 保持飢餓變得貪婪 Trash and traffic make the city so dirty 亂象讓這裡變得不堪 And the ugly faces make the tragedy perfect 但讓悲劇變得完美 I mean u what the is wrong with u 你到底有什麼毛病 dont say Im teacher but My is always pure 有什麼資格對我指指點點 My life messed up there is something pain I should heal 生活亂套需要修復 Spitting the Old time drugs out Maybe I should deal(Oh yeah) 以前的不堪應該換種方式 Flying out of hell 飛出地獄 self-salvation tell me to quit and chill 自我救贖找到舒適感 Problems always grow and these can never be dealed 解決方法趕不上問題出現的速度 dont u see the Reality is so real 難道你看不清現實就是這麼真實麼 I say handgun trigger kill that 扣下扳機 and dirty inner become bigger and bigger 內心陰暗 and it cant picture me a better future 未來無望 and the Real life make me feel like thugger thugger 活成病態 I hope i can live like i got trick 希望可以過的輕鬆 Body and my soul can travel on the separate ways 身體和靈魂分道揚鑣 guess what god damn Unfortunately 很不幸,你猜吧 Im just da old boy who still stuck in my ways 我只是個沉浸在自己世界裡的old boy
U should sorry 你應該內疚 U should sorry 你應該道歉 U should feel sorry 你應該感到抱歉 And u should feel that 你應該為此感到抱歉
以前沒有什麼讓我低著頭 現在的我低著頭被逼著走 承認懶惰圍繞著我top to low 跌入谷底 But thats ok沒關係i can dig a hole 但是可以沒關係我可以挖個洞 For myself to hide for da 把自己藏起來 時鐘轉的快就快dont give a 不在意 道理越說我就越是不聽勸 殺不死我半吊子快點走遠點 做著我覺的對的夢,但夢越做越痛,是對是錯我也不懂 呆滯的瞳孔和下垂的面容鏡子裡的人根本就沒種 I swear to god為了我們以後我保證現在只是暫時輕鬆 我發誓 那誰又想的到之前的努力讓自己的希望一遍遍落空 生活狀態動不動就pop da molly 頹廢 也許我只能在這隨便說說而已 根本就不在情況裡只能騙自己 Head up and the world只能在電視裡 無所畏懼 Please dont push me i will try my best 別催我我會努力的 My bro find me dope 怕我lost too fast 我兄弟幫我怕我迷失自我 Man i Never let u down thats what ive said 還記得我說過永遠不會讓你失望麼 Yeah im about cry we gonna fly worldwide worldwide 悲傷到頭了該走起來了
U should sorry 你應該內疚 U should sorry 你應該道歉 U should feel sorry 你應該感到抱歉 And u should feel that 你應該為此感到抱歉
U should sorry 你應該內疚 U should sorry 你應該道歉 U should feel sorry 你應該感到抱歉 And u should feel that 你應該為此感到抱歉