- Symphony of Enchanted Land 歌詞 Rhapsody of Fire
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- Rhapsody of Fire Symphony of Enchanted Land 歌詞
- Rhapsody of Fire
噫,殘酷的命運 'Oh, cruel, destiny... 玄冰勇士的淚水簌簌而下 The tears soon covered the warrior's face and Tharos, 他摯愛的巨龍,塔若,最後一次張開雙翼 the beloved dragon, spread his wings for the last time, 至少在死前,它欣慰地,重獲自由 happy to have found the freedom at least in death... 飛吧,高高地飛吧塔若 Fly... fly high, mighty Tharos... 你的英名將被魔境的人們永遠銘記 Your name will always be remembered by the people of the enchanted lands... 你的靈魂將永遠陪伴著我們,同黑魔王的爪牙戰鬥,去拯救我們的魔境 and your mwmory will march with us forever against the hordes of the black lord for the salvation of the enchanted lands. 再見了,戰友……永別了 Goodbye, brother... goodbye...!!' 黎明之神,雷電之父
狂風之主勁吹著我 God of dawn, father of thunder 感謝你們至高的嘆息 Lord of the wind now blowing on me 為了我守護的山川草木 Thank you for all, for your holy sign 為了死去的戰友,為了我摯愛的公主 For mountains and hills, the forest, the sea 他們在這場戰爭中獻身 for all those dead and for my princess 翡翠之劍終歸我手 they'll shed their blood cause finally 為了你的所作所為 the emerald sword is now mine 在我的憎恨中灰飛煙滅吧
黑暗之王你們的名字已經刻在我的劍上 For what you did to them 你們的命令讓生靈塗炭 you will burn in my hate 但我的劍將取你們性命 Son of hell betrayer of light 黑暗王國將崩塌 king of the dark your name is carved on my steel 你們將重歸塵土 for your will the innocent die every day 強大的國王,頑強的抵抗 but my sword will soon come for you all 無盡的榮耀,勇敢地進軍 and your kingdom will fall 為國王贏得至高的榮耀 and you'll be dust again forever 愛,這神奇的詞,填滿我的夢境
愛,指引我通向狂喜,通向勝利,通向永恆的真理 Rex tremende semper inimice 通向風之韻律,通向英靈之話語 ad gloriam perpetuam brave all we'llmarch 通向記憶中純真的少女 to give you the eternal agony 大地的孽種,提頭來見!
暴虐的怪物,不可饒恕! Love magic word fill all my dreams eternally use me 你們榨取著我們故土的鮮血 Love guide me to ecstasy to victory to infinity 但我的劍就要來取你們狗命 to rhymes of winds to the voice of the dead 黑暗王國,分崩離析吧! to innocence of my memory 爾等邪魔,重歸塵土吧!
強大的國王,頑強的抵抗 Rape of earth I want your head 無盡的榮耀,勇敢地進軍 sadist pig I can't forgive what you did 為國王贏得至高的榮耀 all the blood you're sucking out of my land 去吧,玄冰勇士 But my sword will soon come for you all 魔境的諸王盼望著你的捷報 and your kingdom will fall 乘智慧之翼 and you'll be dust again forever 穿越山谷,以宇宙正義之名,去擊敗混沌之王
為了永遠的愛與和平 Rex tremende semper inimice ad gloriam perpetuam brave all we'll march to give you the eternal agony
'Go, mighty warrior... The kings of enchanted lands are awaiting your victory! Ride on the wings of wisdom, ride beyond the middle valleys todefeat the master of chaos in the name of cosmoc justice. Peace and love forever! '