- EBOY Mr.wait 歌詞
作詞:EBOY 編曲:瀾 和聲:EBOY 母帶:李東曉/POWER WAVES STUDIO 混音&封面:冶人 出品:ROCC 藝: OH MR.WAIT 舉起你的紅酒杯 陪我一醉又方休讓酒精抹去那傷悲 DEAR MR.WAIT NOT TO WAIT NOT TO WASTE 給你的心千萬別浪費 她究竟是哪位 OH MR.WAIT 舉起你的紅酒杯 想靠一醉方休讓酒精來抹去那傷悲 E: You can see my car now parking outside the window 你看到我的車正停在窗外 When you leave me my heat just ike in a windlass 當你離開我我心如刀絞 AH YA pretty body is sexy and mellow 記得你身姿曼妙性感 Don't try to put me in the shackles I'm a pinko 不要束縛我我崇尚自由 oh right my life all time please stay myside 想你能伴我一生 You seem to have stopped trusting me. 你卻好似已不再信任我 byebye why cry 道別為何哭泣 That's my type 這是我的方式 the white light 一道白光閃過 Your passion is killing me 你的絕情讓我生不如死 we can never back to that day anyway “我們不可能再回到從前了” We can start over we can kill the nightmare rightway “我們可以重新開始戰勝夢魘” That's always too late till my last day “太遲了這輩子都不可能了” I'm sorry l' ll never let you wait “抱歉我不會讓你再繼續等了” 藝: Oh Mr.wait 你說你想念我的美 可你嘴裡虛偽的謊言是慾望犯的罪 DEAR MR.WAIT YOU DO WAIT YOU DO WASTE 我愛上你千萬倍 但不知你愛上了誰 OH MR.WAIT 你說你想念我的美 可你嘴裡虛偽的謊言是慾望犯的罪 E: You are eager for the gains just like a trader 你渴望利益的樣子像極了商人 You wish I had put my heart on the table 你恨不得讓我把心掏出來給你看 Everyone is enemy, including neighbor 草木皆兵甚至鄰居你都能懷疑 I'm not a animal 我特麼不是動物 fvck it this fake home 去他的這個虛假的所謂的家 You are strong 你的強勢 and the beast grow 像一頭疾速成長的野獸 that's not love 這不是愛 just fvcking trick oh 這是該死的套路 that's a bad dream 這是一場噩夢 I can never wake up 而我永遠無法醒來 you forgot anything 除了我的名字 except my name oh 你什麼都記不得 I cryed for days “我哭了很多天” 藝:that's all anything to say “我沒什麼好說的了” don't leave me I' m so sorry “真的很抱歉,求你別離開我” E:ain't waiting for u anymore “不必了,我不會等你了” always waiting for 合: OH MR.WAIT 掩蓋你的無所謂 為你卸下防備才明白愛情它多狼狽 OH MR.WAIT ALWAYS WAIT ALWAYS WASTER 你送我的香水 留下一生洗不淨的香味