- Same old lesson that reality bites
早就已經厭煩了被人教訓這現實並不簡單 Hey boy a new face here What did you find tonight 不曾謀面的年輕人啊今晚你想要得到些什麼呢 Everything is happening and everything ends 在這座充滿各種起始與終結 In the never sleeping city of the walking dead just 行屍走肉也在四處徘徊的不眠之城裡 Stay in that line Going down 請排隊等待依次等待墮落 You stay in that line you're going down 你也只是在這眾多等待墮落的人中的一員 Stay in that line Going down 請排隊等待等待墮落降臨 So say your prayers and make my day 然後從嘴裡擠出那徒勞的祈禱今天也讓我愉悅吧 Hey now Where were you while we just started Hey now 當我們勢頭正好的時候你在哪裡 Hey now See the angels knock your door Hey now 看那天使們在輕扣門扉向你招手 Hey now Hell or Heaven we won't mind it Hey now 無所謂這裡究竟是地獄還是天堂 Hey now Now the demons come for more and more Hey now 貪婪的惡魔們仍在不斷要求更多 Rags to riches now one of a kind 不論貧窮富貴都同樣會生老病死 We never see the real vision cause we're stupid and blind 我們太過愚蠢而盲目所以仍舊無法看透事物的本質 What about your story for another life you dreamed all along 「那裡會有更好的另一種人生等著我」這種美好的夢想又是怎樣? You better bet your choice right cause 必須選擇到正確的選項 it's so easy to go wrong it's a 因為誤入歧途實在太過簡單 Free fall So you just flip your coin sucka IT'S A 自由下落吧就像是擲起硬幣用正反來做出決定一樣 Free fall Come on it's another 反正也只是會無法剎住地墮落而已 Free fall You dig your own hole for a free fall 自由下落吧掉進自己掘出的墳墓之中 And I'll be there when you are going for the Free Fall 我會在這底下等著你的到來 Same old picture of insanity spreads 似曾相識的瘋狂景象蔓延開來 Hey boy I bet you can't see anything else ahead 年輕人啊你看這前方是不是漆黑一片? Everybody's ignorant but everyone knows 儘管裝作漠不關心 但大家都已經察覺到了 We're in a damn cold world and we're stuck in this show just 我們居住在一個冰冷刺骨的世界裡無法逃離這場無聊的表演 Stay in that line Going down 請排隊等待依次等待墮落 You stay in that line you're going down 你也只是在這眾多等待墮落的人中的一員 Stay in that line Going down 請排隊等待等待墮落降臨 So say your prayers and waste my day 然後從嘴裡擠出那徒勞的祈禱今天也渾渾噩噩地度過了一天 Hey now Where were you while we just started Hey now 當我們勢頭正好的時候你在哪裡 Hey now See the angels knock your door Hey now 看那天使們在輕扣門扉向你招手 Hey now Hell or Heaven we won't mind it Hey now 地獄和天堂也並沒有太大的區別 Hey now Now the demons come for more and more Hey now 貪婪的惡魔們仍在不斷要求更多 Stay in that line I'm going down tonight 請排隊等待似乎已經決定好了我將在今夜墮落 Stay in that line you're going down so right 請列隊等候你死去的樣子是如此美麗 Stay in that line going down 請繼續等候墮落 Just stay in that line you're going down 只要在這隊列中等候著墮落 Stay in that line going down 等候著墮落 So say your prayers now hey hey hey 然後現在說出來吧Hey Hey Hey Hey now Where were you while we just started Hey now當我們勢頭正好的時候你在哪裡 Hey now See the angels knock your door Hey now 看那天使們在輕扣門扉向你招手 Hey now Hell or Heaven we won't mind it Hey now 無所謂這裡究竟是地獄還是天堂 Hey now Now the demons come for more and more Hey now 貪婪的惡魔們仍在不斷要求更多