- 말해 Yes Or No 歌詞 ZICO PENOMECO The Quiett
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- The Quiett 말해 Yes Or No 歌詞
- 말해yes or no
說吧yes or no 말해yes or no 說吧yes or no 빨리yes or no 趕緊yes or no Do you love it thanks a lot Do you love it thanks a lot 말해yes or no 說吧yes or no 말해yes or no 說吧yes or no 빨리yes or no 趕緊yes or no that's funny what the heck am i doing that's funny what the heck am i doing 요즘누가제일핫해 最近誰最紅得發紫 요즘누가 곡잘써 最近誰最會作曲 요즘누가제일스타일있어 最近誰最有風格 요즘누가페이세게받아 最近誰撈錢最多 아주좋은질문이야brother 這真是個好問題brother 답은차트에나와있어 答案去看歌曲排行榜吧 뭐마땅히비유할대상이없어난 沒什麼能拿來比喻的對象 요즘펀치라인안써 我最近連PUNCH LINE都不寫 get out of my way get out of my way 뜨내기들작곡에손떼 混日子的人就別和作曲沾邊了吧 안무연습마저해 把舞練完吧 실력은늘리는수술이없대 世上可沒有讓你實力飆升的手術 어쩌면나의증명이어설픈희망 을줬겠지 大概是我的存在證明給了別人渺茫的希望吧 죄다가면쓰고dancing 幾乎都在戴著面具dancing 탈아이돌을잘못해석했지 錯誤地詮釋什麼是“超越idol” 중고딩때말곤중고거래한적없어 除了初高中時期之外就沒做過二手交易 네연봉은내한달치생활유지비정도 你的年薪大概就是我一個月的生活費 난예의상내차키를보이는데못놔둬 出於禮貌上我都不敢露出自己的車鑰匙 고생끝이다동욱아돈버는일만남았어 熬出頭來了東旭啊現在剩下的事就是賺錢了 negative 한너의시선에선 在你那negative的視線裡 아마내호의호식은허례허식이지 大概把我的錦衣玉食都看作虛禮矯飾吧 어린놈이싹수없이다해처먹으니까 年輕小伙們都沒啥出息因為都好吃懶做 시기받기좋을시기지ya dick 現在正是受人嫉妒的時期呢ya dick 어차피관심무야 反正我對你們不關心呀 나바빠스케줄중이야 我這不正忙著嗎 거의타투할겨를도안생겨 連去紋身的閒暇都沒有 등에마리아님은형체뿐이야 聖母瑪利亞在我背上只有形態 말해yes or no 說吧yes or no 말해yes or no 說吧yes or no 빨리yes or no 趕緊yes or no Do you love it thanks a lot Do you love it thanks a lot 말해yes or no 說吧yes or no 말해yes or no 說吧yes or no 빨리yes or no 趕緊yes or no that's funny what the heck am i doing that's funny what the heck am i doing knock knock 거누구없나 knock knock 請問有人嗎 knock knock 거누구없나 knock knock 請問有人嗎 네가뭔가불만있어도있어도 就算就算你是有什麼不滿 네엄마한테나일러요 還是回家跟你媽告狀去吧 그비계는신경도안쓴다이젠 那塊肥肉我現在都不在意了 키보드로내몸을기스내 用鍵盤來傷害我的身體 난코로방구뀌고키스해 我用鼻孔放屁再給予親吻 되려바지주머니만두둑 為了讓褲子口袋變得豐厚鼓囊 장담해이듬해 我敢打包票到明年 차트상단내이름이 我的鼎鼎大名 떡하니자리하겠지 會佔據榜單頂端的位置 원해money 想要money 안원해산와money 但不想要三和money 너네코묻은money 你們的零星小錢 안더러워더러워더러워 不髒啊髒啊髒啊 너넨그냥다운받아봐라야동 你們還是乾脆下載黃片來看吧 네가보는슈퍼스타 가나야아님말을말어 你們在看的super star 是我啊沒見過就合上嘴吧 난이런것도된다고오지지? 我連這個都做得到夠厲害吧? 난고딩때부터입었어bape bape 我從高中開始就已經穿了bape bape 緊急事態my mission 緊急事態my mission 그래도하나도안무셔 即使如此也毫不懼怕 내목적이die die legend no 아니 我的目的不是die die legend no living legend 무모한나의ambition 而是living legend 我莽撞的ambition 말해yes or no 說吧yes or no 말해yes or no 說吧yes or no 빨리yes or no 趕緊yes or no Do you love it thanks a lot Do you love it thanks a lot 말해yes or no 說吧yes or no 말해yes or no 說吧yes or no 빨리yes or no 趕緊yes or no that's funny what the heck am i doing that's funny what the heck am i doing 내가망할거같애말해yes or no 覺得我會完蛋嗎說吧yes or no 답은안변해부정하려애써도 答案卻依舊如一即使你拼命想否認 1 Life 2 Live bitch I'm back for more 1 Life 2 Live bitch I'm back for more 난유명하지도쿄뉴욕파리에서도 我當然有名了無論是在東京紐約還是巴黎 numero uno rhyme professional numero uno rhyme professional bitch I set a trend 물론패션도 bitch I set a trend 當然在fashion上也是 제일많이버는놈that's no question yo 賺的最多的傢伙that's no question yo u know I got a lotta ice like an eskimo u know I got a lotta ice like an eskimo 30대래퍼but do it like 10대 30代的rapper but do it like 10代 철부지였던20대부터big money I get that 從不懂事的20代開始big money I get that 언제나뱉지난sick rap 無論何時都能隨口而出我的sick rap ZICO와PENOMECO 큰돈을벌어우린계속해서 ZICO和PENOMECO賺個大錢我們再繼續 Young fuckin hustlers let's get it OH! Young fuckin hustlers let's get it OH! 말해yes or no 說吧yes or no 말해yes or no 說吧yes or no 빨리yes or no 趕緊yes or no Do you love it thanks a lot Do you love it thanks a lot 말해yes or no 說吧yes or no 말해yes or no 說吧yes or no 빨리yes or no 趕緊yes or no that's funny what the heck am i doing that's funny what the heck am i doing