- nx2u Corona (i can imagine) 歌詞
- nx2u
- Prod. Mantra
(Intro) Everybody makes mistakes and we all got secrets deep down bottled up, safe and we all do different things to cope some way and we just keep carrying on til it dissipates' (Verse1) 誒怎麼說 其實不太喜歡這天氣 畢竟這麼差的演技全靠酒精加戲 原諒我沉默 可能是情話還需要斟酌 偶爾說多說錯還請包涵別戳破 有時也難以遇見最真實的自己 本該是擦肩卻又實在難自已 也許這劇本我總是習慣說得太片面 但今天大概不會有人孤枕難眠 這世上從來沒有什麼踏不過的界限 滿嘴謊言的人才愛抱怨路途偏遠 多清閒沒疲倦 如同預言般應驗 過濾紛擾的雜念 麻煩留你在今夜 轉變難免總會需要點時間 但這默契足以讓經典重現 你說這房間乾燥所以早早塗好唇膏 我知道這是你我專屬的暗號 (Hook) Everybody makes mistakes and we all got secrets deep down bottled up, safe and we all do different things to cope some way and we just keep carrying on til it dissipates' (I can imagine) (Verse2) 有時我無法想像文字一行行 像這樣拉開百葉窗 等待夕陽輕輕落上了你的主臥 纏滿了我用聲音為你編織的線索 “牽我' 包裹著耳蝸在聽感中穿梭 腦膜也變得鮮活用音符按摩 光影多斑駁還請讓我潛入你的夢 未來之前過去之後“You're not alone” 享受觸摸輕柔但不輕縱朦朧或惺忪 恍惚你我都無法形容這輕鬆 如同耳語附和你溫柔的脈搏 再擺脫愛錯也不用太琢磨 順著阡陌邁過一級一級台階 季節裝訂成冊剛好此刻一集一集翻閱 你懂我只要張口就能將它拆解 這樣的生活早就不需浮躁的拍節 ( Hook) Everybody makes mistakes and we all got secrets deep down bottled up, safe and we all do different things to cope some way and we just keep carrying on til it dissipates' (I can imagine)