- Blue Foundation sweep 歌詞
- Blue Foundation
- The floor you walk on is smooth.
你走在光滑的地板上 There is no ground there. 那裡沒有土地 Magic begins with blood. 魔法始於血 Outside, there are trees, 外面長著樹 With concrete under their roots. 樹根下夾雜著混凝土 But I have passed the tombs of kings, 不過我已穿過國王的墳墓 Regaled them with pacing, 曾經我用舞步取悅他們 checked bins for food and wrappings. 為他們檢查食品包裝 I have scoured the seas for miles , 我已四處搜索近千里的海洋 cloaked my face with ash. 灰塵遮蓋住我的臉 My fingertips opening, 我張開雙指 accepting my time. 接受著我的時辰
黑缸裡放著半個煙頭 The dark cylinders of half-smoked cigarettes 對於我,我是你的悲傷
在你夢中呼喚 For me, I am your sorrow 對於我,我是你的陰影 Calling in your dreams 在街上哀嚎 For me, I am your shadow 明日我會走上街 Howling in the streets 並且為了現實生活磨練我自己
你的眼睛 Tomorrow, I will walk the streets 不會妥協,只會流露一種慾望 And steel myself for the familiar. 躺在你的墳墓中你會更開心 Your eyes 當我們碰面時,記得分享我們的故事 Will not settle, a hunger. 你抓住了我,我看見 You re be happier in your grave. 看見半圓形的牙齒 When we meet, share stories , 黑缸裡放著半個煙頭 you stretch me. I see, 對於我,我是你的悲傷 I see a semi-circle of teeth. 在你夢中呼喚
對於我,我是你的陰影 The dark cylinders of half-smoked cigarettes 在街上哀嚎 For me, I am your sorrow Calling in your dreams
For me, I am your shadow Howling in the streets