- LZ.c healer 歌詞
- LZ.c
- recording:楊秋儒
prod.Gumj mix by 楊秋儒 master:楊秋儒 封面製作:Lz.c 歌詞滾動:Lz.c 在這個寒冷的冬季 一切沒有了生機 一場席捲華夏的無法掌控的危力 質疑的聲音惶恐了人心 都說野物給人類算是報復的不輕 惡魔的複仇現在才開始 不知何時才能停止 乖乖呆在你安全如襁褓的位置 信任著敬畏著萬眾身著白衣的天使 等待這場浩劫慢慢結束在我們手裡 病疫惡魔肆虐改年風 庚子春節紫陌空 病毒四走來去阻重重 街靜人稀再無樂融融 三才共赴塵霾事玉宇澄暉萬象榮
It's time to end it all (是時候了結這一切了) The struggle is at an end (鬥爭結束了) By hook or by crook (以我們勝利的姿態) Break the darkness For the light (打破黑暗的光) For the light (愈發明亮) For the light (愈發靠近)
Does it make it better (這樣下去會變得更好嗎) Does it make it worse (還是情況會越來越糟糕) Are we so lucky (我們是幸運的嗎) Are we so cursed (至少不是被詛咒著的) With tomorrow coming (明天與未來) Can our hearts survive (我們的心能存活嗎) Cause there's never been a better time to be alive (現在可是存在著的最好時機啊) Are we living in a fantasy (我們生活在無盡幻想中) Where everything's casualty (一切皆是犧牲品) I can't even fathom me (我甚至也無法理解自身) I've been through thick and thin (我們都是歷經苦難的治癒者) And I'm crashing down (雖也崩潰) My heart trembled while I' m flashing now (但當我閃耀的時候心一定是顫抖的)
i am shaking down the leaves (此時我也彷彿墜落的樹葉) Life is too sober (生活是讓人清醒著的) Everyone is watching the movie (眾人皆似在觀影) No one should comment wantonly (誰都不該肆意評論) Or should there be a little color (會變成彩色的) It was also illuminated by the light (此刻光不正耀眼著嗎) Once you were light (你們就是光) Here we are (我們共存) Once you were light (你們就是光) Here we are (你們是治癒者)