- 月彎彎亮亮 JUICE 歌詞
- … Syer 月彎彎亮亮
- syer
Na… I got the juice on my way I got the juice on my way I got the juice on my way on my way on my way on my way mango & apple in the juice I feel the juice very sweet do you want to drink with me come with me come with me baby baby come with me Moon : 喜歡她綁著馬尾 在我懷裡叫我baby 垂簾她的美色讓我一輩子不後退 gucci on my way I got beauty with me all day how can what I make you, re so sexy got me all in let me do it it get the Rolex rolex take me out your body you will know it know it live in this city why you are so pretty 你振奮了我的每一根神經 其他的全部都不感冒 和旋搭配著D大調 就在明天凌晨起跑 請你做我的貓 過去多少的時間奮鬥著的多少日夜 有你的陪伴代替了夜深的以淚洗面 指引我的燈塔也應有它的陰晴圓缺 但你美麗純潔善良帶著我大步向前 Moon Syer: I got the juice on my way I got the juice on my way I got the juice on my way on my way on my way on my way mango & apple in the juice I feel the juice very sweet do you want to drink with me come with me come with me baby baby come with me (syer) Moon vers2: 對你已經上了癮 開始相信命中註定 見不到你那些日子好像靈魂被抽離 你的一舉一動 都牽著我的心 不想再去感受 那黑夜的冷清 想擁有你扭動的body no body feel me 倒數的日期ya 全神貫注帶你shopping All day All night just chilling 有你在的地方就是party 像開著瑪莎拉蒂 加足了馬力春天在哪裡真心話裡的字句 你就是一切的定義 過去多少的時間奮鬥著的多少日夜 有你的陪伴代替了夜深的以淚洗面 指引我的燈塔也應有它的陰晴圓缺 但你美麗純潔善良帶著我大步向前 Syer : I got the juice on my way I got the juice on my way I got the juice on my way on my way on my way on my way mango & apple in the juice I feel the juice very sweet do you want to drink with me come with me come with me baby baby come with me<比如>