- Like out sky
一切像是意想之外 Set me free whats colors paralyze 寂靜是夜晚最後的安排 You and I felt as one 我們重回這熟悉的房間 Is cant listening sparkling to go 在故事裡已是末篇 Burry me 思考著釋放我令我癱瘓的是何種顏色 Burry me 你和我感覺仍如此一致 With all of your anisole 我們在彼此靈魂之間共同呼吸著 Burry me 那波光粼粼而無法聆聽的過去 Burry me 來埋葬我吧 Because only if they could die out 在黯淡閃爍的群星之下 Because only if they could die out(Because only if they could die out) 請埋葬我吧 I melt your smiles 用盡你所有的苯甲醚 Silently a touch of purify 埋葬我吧 You and I were meant to wrong 來埋葬我吧 Once a fire 因此唯有它們將消逝而去 Energy is all that set inside 正因只有它們將漸漸消逝(因此唯獨它們將消失殆盡) You and I overflow 我將你的微笑消融 All that we breathe in our soul 靜靜的用指尖淨化觸碰 Is cant listening sparkling to go 你和我注定是一場錯誤 Burry me 一場火災的發生 Burry me 所有的能量被積攢在內部 Burry me 你和我也就此滿溢而出 Under all the stars and buff 一切我們呼吸著介於彼此靈魂之間的 Burry me 是熠熠生輝且無法聆聽的過去 Because only if they could die out 埋葬我吧 Burry me 在喑啞閃耀的群星之下 Under all the stars and buff 埋葬我吧 Burry me 用光你所有的苯甲醚 With all of your anisole 埋葬我吧 Because only if they could die out 在這所有晶瑩耀眼的星光下 I want you to burry me 埋葬我吧 Under all the stars and buff 因為唯有它們會消逝而去 Burry me 因為唯有它們會就此滅亡 With all of your anisole 來埋葬我 Burry me 在不停閃耀的淺色星光下 Burry me 埋葬我吧 Because only if they could die out 用盡你最後一滴苯甲醚 Finally silence was the night 請將我埋葬(正如我希望的那樣) You and I went home 唯有它們會消逝 One last time 我希望你能將我埋葬 All that we breathe in our soul 在所有閃爍的星辰下 Under all the stars and buff 來吧埋葬我 Under all the stars and buff 用掉你所有苯甲醚 With all of your anisole 埋葬我吧 Because only if they could die out 埋葬我 Burry me(I want you to burry me) 因為唯有他們將消逝而去