- Sweetbox That Night 歌詞
- Sweetbox
那夜 That night 那夜 That night 伴你左右 By your side 我哭著 I cried 七月末的一晚 One night in late July 我看到你穿過房間 I saw you cross the room 邀我共舞 Then you asked me for a dance 我幾乎無法移動 and I could hardly move (yeah) 我從未如此膽怯 I`d never been so scared before 你的觸碰是那樣難以抗拒 your touch was overwhelming 然後你順勢把我引向地板 Then you led me to the floor 我發誓我定是在做夢 and I swore I was dreaming 那晚充滿魔力 That night there was magic 那晚我沉醉入迷 That night I was spellbound 第一次靠在你身旁 By your side oh the first time 我哭著…哭著…是的,你改變了我的生活 I cried I cried Yes you changed my life 那夜那夜 That night That night 第一次靠在你身旁 By your side oh the first time 我哭著…哭著… 這一晚改變了我的生活 I cried I cried This night changed my life 我們整夜坐著聊 We sat and talked all night 頭頂是繁星密布的夜空 the starry sky above us 你緊張而我害羞 You were nervous I was shy 初戀的蝴蝶 The butterflies of first love 然後我扣響了天堂之門 Then I knocked on heaven`s door 當你傾身吻我 when you leaned in to kiss me 我再無他求 I`d never been left wanting more 噢我幾乎窒息 oh I was hardly breathing 那晚充滿魔力 That night there was magic 那晚我沉醉入迷 That night I was spellbound 第一次靠在你身旁 By your side oh the first time 我哭著…哭著… 這一晚改變了我的生活 I cried I cried Yes you changed my life 那夜那夜 That night That night 第一次靠在你身旁 By your side oh the first time 我哭著…哭著… 這一晚改變了我的生活 I cried I cried This night changed my life 我真想重溫那晚 I want to have that night again 我想知道究竟會發生什麼 I wanna know what might have been 初戀永不會結束 First love just never ends 哦為何我依然想他 oh why do I still miss him 如今生活將我們割據 Now life has distanced us 那個夏日的夜晚早已遠去 that summer night`s long gone 但我仍能感覺你的唇 But I still feel your lips 當我聽到我們的老情歌 when I hear our old love song 自那之後我改變了許多 I`ve changed a lot since then 但我仍坐著幻想 but I still sit and wonder 我真想知道究竟會發生什麼 I`d like to know what might have been 如果那場夏日之戀逗留... if summer love had lingered 那夜 That night 那夜 That night 伴你左右 By your side 我哭著 I cried 是的,你改變了我的生活 Yes you changed my life 那晚我沉醉入迷 That night I was spellbound 第一次靠在你身旁 By your side oh the first time 我哭著…哭著…是的,你改變了我的生活 I cried I cried Yes you changed my life 那夜那夜 That night That night 第一次靠在你身旁 By your side oh the first time 我哭著…哭著…是的,你改變了我的生活 I cried I cried This night changed my life 那夜那夜 That night That night 第一次靠在你身旁 By your side oh the first time 我哭著…哭著…是的,你改變了我的生活 I cried I cried This night changed my life (結束) (End)