- Em Beihold num吧little bug 歌詞
- Em Beihold
- I dont feel a single thing
我毫無感覺 Have the pills done too much? 是藥效太強了嗎 Havent caught up with my friends in weeks 和我的朋友們已經幾週沒敘舊了 And now were outta touch 現在我們失去了聯繫 Ive been drivin in LA 我在洛杉磯驅開車兜風 And the world, it feels too big 這世界是如此之大 Like a floating ball thats bound to break 我就像水中的浮球注定要破裂 Snap my psyche like a twig 像折斷的細枝一樣令我精神崩潰 And I just wanna see 而我只是想知道 If you feel the same as me 是否你與我感同身受 Do you ever get a little bit tired of life? 你曾厭倦過生活嗎 Like youre not really happy but you dont wanna die 你不是真的開心但你仍舊苟延殘喘 Like youre hangin by a thread but you gotta survive 你命懸一線但你必須要堅持 Cause you gotta survive 因為你得活下來 Like your bodys in the room but youre not really there 你身在房間中而你的靈魂早已飄走 Like you have empathy inside but you dont really care 你心懷同情但是你並不真的在乎 Like youre fresh outta love but its been in the air 你剛從愛里走出來但它仍彌留在空氣中 Am I past repair? 過去的我有被治愈過嗎? A little bit tired of trying to care when I dont 厭倦了在我並不關心的時候試圖在意 A little bit tired of quick repairs to cope 厭煩了快速振作自己去應付外界 A little bit tired of sinkin, theres water in my boat 我的船裡註滿了水,不願再下沉 Im barely breathin, tryna stay afloat 我無法呼吸,試著浮住身體 So I got these quick repairs to cope 所以我快速修繕自己以應對危險 Guess Im just broken and broke 我感覺自己支離破碎,遍體鱗傷 The prescriptions on its way 醫生開的藥已經在路上了 With a name I cant pronounce 上面有我不會念的名字 And the dose I gotta take 我所要攝入的劑量 Boy, I wish that I could count 真希望我能數的過來 Cause I just wanna see 我只是想看看 If this could make me happy 是否它會使我開心一點 Do you ever get a little bit tired of life? 你曾厭倦過瑣碎的生活嗎 Like youre not really happy but you dont wanna die 你不是真的快樂但你並不想赴死 Like youre hangin by a thread but you gotta survive 你命懸一線但你必須要挺過來 Cause you gotta survive 因為你得活下來 Like your bodys in the room but youre not really there 你身在屋中而你的心卻不在那 Like you have empathy inside but you dont really care 你心懷同情而你並非真的在意 Like youre fresh out of love but its been in the air 曾經的我被治愈過嗎? Am I past repair? 厭倦了在我並不關心時試圖在意 A little bit tired of trying to care when I dont 厭煩了快速振作自己去應付外界 A little bit tired of quick repairs to cope 我的船裡住滿了水,不願再下沉 A little bit tired of sinkin, theres water in my boat 我無法呼吸,試著讓自己漂浮 Im barely breathin, tryna stay afloat 所以我快速補救以尋求生機 So I got these quick repairs to cope 你曾厭倦過生活的瑣碎嗎? Do you ever get a little bit tired of life? 你不是真的開心但你仍苟延殘喘 Like youre not really happy but you dont wanna die 像呆滯的小蟲子一樣奮力求生 Like a numb little bug thats gotta survive 尋求生機 Thats gotta survive