- Justin Vernon Tiff 歌詞
- Poliça Justin Vernon
- Me and her named Tiffany
我和我的馬子蒂芙尼 Born to breed in everything 生來就百無禁忌 Carrying round a prison bar 手持監獄的鐵欄杆 F*cking in the feathered tar 骯髒污穢中興致不減 Early call the master flirts 早年我可是調情大師 Measuring up the pretty girls 漂亮妹子上下打量 Body buildings sickly fed 玉體橫陳看到想吐 Need my TV, I need my meds 打開電視來點好物 Tiffany my vanity 蒂芙尼啊我的驕傲自負 Compared to you, compared to me 你之於我,我之於你 Im a pawn in the hype machine 我是炒作機器的喉舌 Youre a pawn in the caring scheme 你是關懷計劃的走卒 Go ahead and play for keeps 覆水難收 Go ahead and play for keeps 不能回頭 One for tiger, one for bear 雲從龍,風從虎 No one wants me, no one cares 無名小輩無人睹 Playing rough without a fight 玩得大但不費力 I was yours a record time 始終記得我屬於你 Played my part and pressing start 一聲令下好戲登場 Youre the hero but Im in charge 時勢造英雄,而我造時事 Cheating is a money maker 要想賺,出老千 Shadow gloss a tricky faker 老狐狸,無人見 I dont want a diamond ring 易得無價寶 Found a man, and hes found me 難尋有情郎 Its a pact like a lions den 龍潭虎穴闖一闖 You come out, but you cant come in 有去無回又何妨 Go ahead and play for keeps 敢想敢干就是莽 Make a pact with my secret son 和我的私生子一拍即合 Have the bullet, he has the gun 槍已上膛刀擦亮 Dont bother me to take my time 非常勿擾 Wouldnt rush if I had whats mine 追趕目標 Keep it coming and keep em close 山雨欲來照單收 How he rocks me and how it shows 心中震撼正示現 Take a breath before the peak 登頂前做深呼吸 Throw the bet to hold for keeps 孤注一擲能連贏 Do your work and let me be 與你無關 I dont owe you anything 互不相欠 Tiffany my vanity 蒂芙尼啊我的渺小虛無 Compared to you, compared to me 你之於我,我之於你 Im a pawn in the hype machine 我是炒作機器的喉舌 Youre a pawn in the caring scheme 你是關懷計劃的走卒 We will walk with the clean machine 有朝一日,搖身一變 Follow hearts and follow great big dreams 隨心所欲,一飛沖天 Go ahead and play for keeps 放手一搏 Go ahead and play for keeps 志在必得