- Eklo Northern Summer 歌詞
- Eklo
- Come and gone like a northern summer
來來去去,像一場北方的夏季 Come and gone like the leaves in the breeze 來來去去,像葉兒飄蕩微風裡 In my mind I will find some other 我想我總會找到那個人的 I hope that wishing well will buy me peace 我希望這個美好的願望能帶給我平靜
我還希望我可以製造出一台時光機器 I wish I could build a time machine 然後找到一種方法能讓時間停格在那一刻 Or find a way to make that moment freeze 但就好比一隻大鳥掠過天際 Passes by like a big bird in the sky 這些事對我來說太遙遠了 It's just too far for me to see 沒有什麼辦法
也沒有那麼一天 Ain't no somehow 如同一團野火,將會縱情地燃燒 There ain't no someday 當煙霧散去,我們也將繼續前行 Like a wildfire it'll burn away 也許用我們澄澈的雙眼,可以找到那個地方 When the smoke is gone and moved on 像極了某個夏季的北方 With clear eyes we may find that place Like a northern summer