- Cider Sky wear EI你love 歌詞
- Cider Sky
- Say you spent your summer in the rain
你說你度過了一個陰雨霏霏的夏季 Driving up the coast I felt the same 驅車到海邊那感受似曾相識 Covered me in grey until I saw you 你是我心頭那朵烏雲背後的幸福線 Just another day until I saw you 令我煥然一新 It doesnt matter if the stars forget us 也許只是星運裡的錯 It doesnt matter if the world dont know our names 我們的名字不被世界知曉 It doesnt matter if they talk about us 不顧他人的指指點點 It doesnt matter cause we are in, we are in love 因為我們已墜入愛河 we are in, we are in love 我們相愛了 we are in, we are in love 兩心相悅 we are in, we are in love 比翼雙飛 Every color in the world is in your eyes 你的眼中流動著世間的流光溢彩 And everywhere you look you shine a light 你所及之處璀璨如白晝 Hollow as the night until I saw you 我心如死灰直到與你邂逅 I came back to life when I saw you 我如同重獲新生 It doesnt matter if the stars forget us 也許我們並未在星空中留下痕跡 It doesnt matter if the world dont know our names 名人堂中沒有我們的大名 It doesnt matter if they talk about us 不顧他人的非議 It doesnt matter cause we are in, we are in love 因為我們已墜入愛河 we are in, we are in love 我們相愛了 we are in, we are in love 一見鍾情 we are in, we are in love 情有獨鍾 we are in, we are in love 如膠似漆 we are in, we are in love 濃情蜜意 we are in, we are in love 魂牽夢繞 we are in, we are in love 長相廝守 Is it real or are you joking 這是真實抑或虛幻 Its not true until its spoken 直到你以身相許我才死心塌地 say the words if you dare to know them! 大膽地說出那三個字吧 say the words if you dare to know them! 大聲喊出那句話吧 we are in, we are in love 因為我們早已墜入愛河 we are in, we are in love 就這麼相愛吧 we arein, we are in love 山盟海誓 we are in, we are in love 直到天涯海角 we are in, we are in love 地老天荒 we are in, we are in love 長相廝守 we are in, we are in love 白頭偕老 we are in, we are in love 一生一世.........