- 駱駝Latoo Elephant&Castle 歌詞
- LIL$A 駱駝Latoo
- 後期:Badwine
Lilsa we r legends hiding in e&c(我們是隱匿在e&c的軍團) we progress everyday(每天都在做實驗) 根本就沒空聽你囉嗦 our goal is to annihilate all the fakers (目標是殲滅所有虛假的人類) 251 我根據地都在加速往這聚集 Lisa we got money in the gunny running 交易都很peace (我把財富裝在袋子裡小心翼翼地) 打開YouTube roll根smoke 躺在沙發上release (在沙發上看著YouTube放鬆一下) 電話被我遺忘太多gossip 聽了沒有意思 stuido太絢麗作品全都完美 ok sursease history uh water under the bridge 沒脾氣uh (過去的改變不了就讓它過去) new journey uh 後發製人we so lit uh1.03 we r in southwark bridge(我們聚在一起) get a lafei from da fridge(酒精是我們的催化劑) everyday work backsatge(每天都在忙碌) never fear of engage(從不懼怕任何的挑戰) 251是我的根據地skrskr 把sense全部抽離ha people leaves but music not u know what I am saying (人終究不如音樂能常伴) we r legends hiding in e&c(我們是隱匿在e&c的軍團) we progress everyday(每天都在做實驗) 根本就沒空聽你囉嗦 our goal is to annihilate all the fakers (目標是殲滅所有虛假的人類) 251 我根據地都在加速往這聚集1'40 駱駝Latoo Wow Elephant castle wow 這裡遍地都是gold 出個門我走到mos 你的哥們儿不識逗 why u bring da b7 too old (阿姨廣場舞出門左轉) I know the question i know the fault (回答我問題在哪錯在哪) I know you cold without dope clothes (回答我大冬天的面子和里子誰重要) I know the answer I know that bro (回答我你是否知道我早知道答案) when i wanna go i say hello (回答我當思維變成語言我還有沒有句真話) I know the question i know the fault (回答我問題在哪錯在哪) I know not able solve them both (回答我根源在哪解在哪) I know the answer I know that bro (回答我你是否知道我早知道答案) I know u die u want default (回答我回答我) I saw an elephant on the roof (天空中飛著一頭大象) I am powerful like elephant in the room (我看著大像大像看著我) one day i move into the beverly hills (它問我你也想飛?) and all yall fukers move into the hell (後來倫敦便有了象堡) 赫然的屹立著赤紅的大象的腦袋上頂著個大堡 赫然的屹立著赤紅的大象的腦袋上頂著個大堡 輪著來everyone都會有五彩又繽紛又絢爛的大腦 I know the question i know the fault (回答我問題在哪錯在哪) I know you cold without dope clothes (回答我大冬天的面子和里子誰重要) I know the answer I know that bro (回答我你是否知道我早知道答案) when i wanna go i say hello (回答我當思維變成語言我還有沒有句真話) I know the question i know the fault (回答我問題在哪錯在哪) I know not able solve them both (回答我根源在哪解在哪) I know the answer I know that bro (回答我你是否知道我早知道答案)