- 考えすぎてるYEAH
考えすぎてるYEAH I'm so pessimistic feel like Schopenhauer yeah can't stop thinking about her yeah when I'm in the shower yeah I can 't live without her 飛び降りるTOKYO TOWER yeah 頭にGUN BANG BANG BANG 頭にGUN BANG BANG BANG 考えすぎてるyeah 俺もわかってるyeah だから俺が助けたいなら早く答えを教えてくれ I'm on a killstreak yeah, I've been making bangers I used to question everything always looking for answers 泥舟に乗ってる気分I've been sinking lately yeah 人のこと疑ってる俺はまるで刑事役 君は媚薬つまりは偽薬 醫者のふりをしているドクターペッパー 心をまるごと持ってかれた 考えすぎてるyeah きっと考えすぎてる 考えすぎてるYEAH 考えすぎてるYEAH I'm so pessimistic feel like Schopenhauer yeah can't stop thinking about her yeah when I'm in the shower yeah I can't live without her 飛び降りるTOKYO TOWER yeah