- FIVE NEW OLD black & blue 歌詞
點一支煙,消磨週末,折磨心肺 Have a smoke, fill the lungs as it fog the weekend 就隨意發呆片刻 Temporary rest in the afternoon 愛意漸冷,她也變得無所謂了 As the love got cold she became so numb 看看鏡子裡只有傷痕累累 through the mirror you. ll see black and blue 人們都說 They say 別在無聊的東西上浪費生命了 'Don't waste your life for good for nothing' 而她還自顧自樂觀地做著夢 She's still dreaming with irrelevant optimism 聽到那個人哭喊著求她留下以後 Screaming after that begging her to stay 哎呀她腦袋又不清醒了 Oh, she's lost in love 原地爆炸吧 Blowing up(alright) 誰都能看出來她已經心累了 Everybody know she's broken 可是依然美麗動人 But she's beautiful 快爆炸吧求你了 [02:01.06][01:06.44]Blowing up(alright) 誰都能看出來她已經受夠了 [02:03.62][01:08.45]Everybody know she's broken 可她還是那麼美麗動人 [02:05.89][01:10.86]But she's beautiful 心早被孤獨絞碎 Heart is cut in pieces by loneliness 這比他的殘忍對待還要讓她痛苦 And it's more painful than his violence 她終於要放棄了,並且不得不承認 So she's giving it up and convinced that 她已經無路可退 There's no way out 人們都這麼說 [01:33.51]They say 別浪費生命在無關緊要的東西上 [01:35.29]'Don' t waste your life for good for nothing' 而她依然自顧自樂觀地做著夢 [01:38.11]She's still dreaming with irrelevant optimism 聽到那個人哭喊著求她留下以後 [01:42.76]Screaming after that begging her to stay 她徹底迷失了 [01:47.05]Oh, she's lost in love 原地爆炸吧! [01:52.19]Blowing up(alright) 誰都知道她快要被逼瘋了 [01:54.13]Everybody know she's broken 雖然看起來依然美麗動人 [ 01:56.85]But she's beautiful 我要爆炸啦