- Laura Welsh atom ISE的 歌詞
- Laura Welsh
- This, this wont be the last time
這絕對不會是最後一次 That I fall for you 我已經愛上你了 Close, never quite enough to make me feel the truth 近一點這還不夠讓我感知真相 In space every ends and every day is occupied 在每個終點的間隙中在被佔據的每一天中 Our shapes that seem to disappear 我們的身形影影綽綽似要消失 Im on display 我在大庭廣眾之下被展出 Dont let the air get rised 別讓氣氛上漲 We set that because we decide 那由我們開始因為那由我們決定 If you only you had let me know 惟願你只讓我一個人知曉內情 If you only you had let me know 惟願你只讓我一個人了解內幕 If you only you had let me go 希望你只想讓我離開 But Ive seen a different side, hi, hi, hide 但我躲躲藏藏間已經看遍千山萬水 Before we had the maps 在我們找尋到路線圖之前 Before we had the maps 在我們找到路線圖之前 Your face speaks a thousand words 你的臉龐訴說著千言萬語 But you dont say a thing 而你卻緘默不語 Embrace, brace myself I know the crash in it 抱我即使我知道我會深陷其中 Dont let the air get rised 別讓氛圍變得太過火熱 We set that because we decide 一切由我們決定也由我們開始 If you only you had let me know 但願你只讓我一個人知曉秘密 If you only you had let me know 但願你只讓我一個人了解其中緣由 If you only you had let me go 希望你能放我離開 But Ive seen a different side, hide, hide 但我已經看透滾滾紅塵 Before we had the maps 在我們找到各自的出路之前 So, dont speak of the answer 所以別說出答案 Just keep it in this room 就把它藏著這個房間裡吧 You could tell me the story 你可以向我講述這個故事 But we left this life too soon 但我們離開的太早了 If you only you had let me know 希望你只讓我一個人知曉所有 If you only you had let me know 希望只有我一個人明白一切 If you only you had let me go 只願你能讓我離開 But Ive seen a different side, hide, hide 但我已經看遍了世間一切 Before we had the maps 在我們找到那張通向美滿的地圖之前 Before we had the maps 在我們找到通向對方心裡的路線圖之前