- The Plot In You Too Far Gone 歌詞
- The Plot In You
- I think I've been too hard on myself
我知曉我對待自己太過嚴苛 I know I'm just passing through 我知曉我仍未走出那些傷痛 I still don't sleep and I don't trust myself 仍舊夜不能寐無法相信自己 To be the strongest for you 無法相信自己能為你成為最強大的人 It's all so strange and I don't recognize 迷離撲朔而我早已無法辨認 Faces of ones I adore 認不出我曾深深戀慕的容顏啊 I tried my best to keep moving forward 我竭盡全力向前邁進 But there's wounds that can't be ignored 而遍體鱗傷的疼痛卻時刻提醒著我—— It's too far gone 我所深愛的早已離去啊 You know it's true 你心知肚明啊 I still remember the times 我仍記得以往 We'd pry into the other's ego 我們曾試圖窺探他人的自我 And you'd redefine what I thought made me so evil 我重新審視認清是你喚起我內心深處的罪惡 You're not to blame and it's a shame 你並不該受到責備多麼遺憾啊 I don't feel things how I should 我早已麻木不仁又怎會感知到任何事情呢 And your distaste for words I say 我言之過甚你厭之愈甚 Leaves us both misunderstood 編織出誤解的網我們都深陷其中 It kills mе to say 我卻只能心如刀割地承認 It's too far gone 都回不來了啊 You know it's true 你心知肚明啊 I've fallеn way too short 我與曾經好高騖遠的目標失之千里 My heart's been bold and weary 敞開心扉勇敢求索卻落得精疲力竭 I'm all too sure but it's so temporary 只是匆匆過客卻錯把它當成了往後餘生啊 There's scars in my skin 疤痕蜿蜒爬行於我的皮膚之上 And your words, they transcend 而你的言語早已遠遠超越了我的預想 And these holes weren't so deep 我內心的空洞並非深不見底 But I dive in endlessly 但當我墜落其中彷彿這空虛永無止境 I leave my failures on display 揭起傷疤將慘痛的失敗陳列於前 I'd take myself a good for you 我試著成為能對你有所助益的人 We' re too far gone 而我們早已漸行漸遠啊 You know it's true 你明明就心知肚明啊 I've fallen way too short 我與曾經好高騖遠的目標失之千里 My heart's been bold and weary 敞開心扉勇敢求索卻落得精疲力竭 I'm all too sure but it's so temporary 只是匆匆過客卻錯把它當成了往後餘生啊 I've opened my arms 伸開雙臂 Embraced the fate I gave 去擁抱我早已註定的命運 I meant you no harm 我純澈的心對你毫無惡意 I was so sick when you caved 面對你的崩潰我也心如刀割 If you need to leave take every fragment from me 但當我試著去愛去接受早已無法掩飾的失敗時 When I try to love my failures seep through the seams 你還要帶著我所有的回憶一起離開嗎? Through the seams We're too far gone 我們已然分道揚鑣啊 You know it's true 你深知這一點啊 I've fallen way too short 我已夠不到曾經好高騖遠的目標 My heart's been bold and weary 敞開心扉勇往直前卻又疲倦而返 I'm all too sure but it's so temporary 曾堅信所有但一切都隨風而逝了啊