- ROY KNOX Earthquake 歌詞
- Do you feel the fire inside of me
感覺到我內心的火焰了嗎 Do you see the sparks that Im setting free 看到它迸發的火花了嗎 Does the beat take you over 讓節奏把你淹沒 You just cant breathe 無法呼吸
感受到骨頭的顫抖了嗎 Do you feel your bones start to shake 感受這地震吧 Do you feel the earthquake 感受到骨頭的顫抖了嗎 Do you feel your bones start to shake 感受這地震吧 Do you feel the earthquake 感受到骨頭的顫抖了嗎 Do you feel your bones start to shake 感受這地震吧 Do you feel the earthquake 感受到骨頭的顫抖了嗎 Do you feel your bones start to shake 感受這地震吧 Do you feel the earthquake 感受到骨頭的顫抖了嗎
感受到骨頭的顫抖了嗎~~~~ Do you feel your bones start to shake, start to take you up (淹沒) Do you feel your bones→ bones↑ bones↑ bones↓ bo-bo-bo-bo start to shake 骨頭還沒有散架吧(笑) (Take you) 感受到骨頭的顫抖了嗎 Do you feel your bones bones take you bones bones take you up 感受這地——震——吧 Do you feel your bones start to shake 骨頭還沒有散架吧 Do you feel the E A R T H Q U A K E 感受到骨頭的顫抖了嗎~~~
(淹沒) Do you feel your bones bones take you bones bones take you up 骨頭還沒有散架吧 Do you feel your bones→ bones↑ bones↑ bones↓ bones↓ start to shake 感受到骨頭的顫抖了嗎~~~~ (Take you) (淹沒) Do you feel your bones bones take you bones bones take you up 骨頭還沒有散架吧 Do you feel your bones→ bones↑ bones↑ bones↓ bones→ start to shake 感受到骨頭的顫抖了嗎~~~~ (Take you) (淹沒)
骨頭還沒有散架吧 Do you feel your bones bones take you bones bones take you up 感受到骨頭的顫抖了嗎~~~~ Do you feel your bones→ bones↑ bones↑ bones↓ bones↓ start to shake (淹沒) (Take you) 感受的火焰了嗎 Do you feel your bones bones take you bones bones take you up 看到火花了嗎 Do you feel your bones→ bones↑ bones↑ bones↓ bones→ start to shake 感受的火焰了嗎 ( Take you) 看到火花了嗎
感受到我內心的火焰了嗎 Do you feel the fire 看到它迸發的火花了嗎 Do you see the sparks 讓節奏把你淹沒 Do you feel the fire 無法呼吸 Do you see the sparks 感受到骨頭的顫抖了嗎
感受這地震吧 Do you feel the fire inside of me 感受到骨頭的顫抖了嗎 Do you see the sparks that Im setting free 感受這地震吧 Does the beat take you over 感受到骨頭的顫抖了嗎 You just cant breathe 感受這地震吧
感受到骨頭的顫抖了嗎 Do you feel your bones start to shake 感受這地——震——吧 Do you feel the earthquake 骨頭還沒有散架吧 Do you feel your bones start to shake 感受到骨頭的顫抖了嗎~~~ ~ Do you feel the earthquake (淹沒) Do you feel your bones start to shake 骨頭還沒有散架吧 Do you feel the earthquake 感受到骨頭的顫抖了嗎~~~~ Do you feel your bones start to shake (淹沒) Do you feel the E A R T H Q U A K E 骨頭還沒有散架吧
感受到骨頭的顫抖了嗎~~~~ Do you feel your bones bones take you bones bones take you up (淹沒) Do you feel your bones→ bones↑ bones↑ bones↓ bones↓ start to shake 骨頭還沒有散架吧 (Take you) 感受到骨頭的顫抖了嗎~~~~ Do you feel your bones bones take you bones bones take you up (淹沒) Do you feel your bones→ bones↑ bones↑ bones↓ bones→ start to shake 骨頭還沒有散架吧 (Take you) 感受到骨頭的顫抖了嗎
感受這地——震——吧 Do you feel your bones bones take you bones bones take you up 迴轉! Do you feel your bones→ bones↑ bones↑ bones↓ bones↓ start to shake 你的骨頭 (Take you) 開始顫抖,被節奏淹沒 Do you feel your bones bones take you bones bones take you up 迴轉! Do you feel your bones→ bones↑ bones↑ bones↓ bones→ start to shake 你的骨頭 (Take you) 開始顫抖,被節奏淹沒
Do you feel your bones bones take you bones bones take you up Do you feel your bones start to shake Do you feel the E A R T H Q U A K E
Carven! Do you bones→ bones↑ bones↑ bones ↓ Start to shake, take you
Carven! Do you bones→ bones↑ bones↑ bones↓ Start to shake, take you