- Skezz Phonic Skr Wu 歌詞
- Skezz Phonic
- 原曲the real slim shady
現在很多的所謂說唱歌手都在參加節目 Now I been looking checking a lot rappers in game 他們要么不懂說唱,要么胡亂唱,聽起來都是一樣 They either mumble rap or try to sing they sound the same 有一件事你從不誠實地面對自己的無知 One thing why you never honest about your fame 讓我告訴你的粉絲關於你在美國的採訪 Tell your local fans about your interview in states 你在106kmel電台被要求放伴奏來段即興 106 kmel on the radio, you been asked to drop some bars live on the show 你開始口吃想要跳過話題 You started mumbling skipped that part as you know 我猜你的槍手沒辦法馬上給你,難道不是嗎? I guess the ghost writers only shared the title, no? 而且為什麼你只會待在外國創作 How come that you only write in the West 你可是來自這世界發展最好的國家啊! You from a country that inspires the world's best 現在你在這場遊戲收著各種打擊 Now you major in the game and having beef hits? 這場遊戲就像是你在為孩子們準備的快樂套餐 The only beef you'll have in a happy meal for kids 相信我,我只是單純在說唱 Believe me now I'm just rapping 你根本不值得我去diss You don't worth a diss 只是把你的“豐功偉績”放進歌詞裡 Just a question let me put you down to the test 請問你知道hiphop的元素有哪些?請不要去谷歌找 Hip hop pillars do you know? please don't google this 還有那些滿貨車跟踪你的粉絲 What about the fans stalking you in big vans 你這雙面人我可以發誓絕對沒腦子 You a bipolar swear to god no brains 我還聽說你的團隊也要一起回應他們人呢? What about your crew I heard they gonna jump too 一群巢裡的小鳥只會亂叫都清醒點 Bunch of birds screaming in a nest clean it up 你覺得我已經開始了?我只是熱熱身而已 You think I started nah believe me I'm just warming up AR的diss已經讓你煉獄痛不欲生 A-R's diss track was fire hell yeah 瘋狂掃射你的嘴巴讓其懷孕然後變成一座托兒所 Shot babies in your mouth turned it daycare 你的回擊就像被切碎一樣沒點起伏 Now you clapping back chopping track what a whack 真為聽到你說唱的人們感到抱歉 Feeling sorry for the ones who heard your rap skr skr是英語是中文嗎只是個沒意義的詞 Skr. Skr is that English, Chinese or just scrap 因為你和hiphop根本就不搭邊 Cause between you & hip hop there's a gap 忘了那些但我知道你生氣了這是事實 Okay forget that I got you angry that's a fact 讓我就到這裡暫停休息一下然後繼續 Let me stop right here take a break then attack 喲,SKR吳,這首歌是給你聽的 Yo SKR WU this song is for you 之所以想扁你 So Ima hit you 是因為你的說唱實在是太爛了 Cause your rap is whack too so 所以,我很想扁你 Ima hit you up 我很想扁你 Ima hit you up 我很想扁你 Ima hit you up 我很想扁你 Ima hit you up 喲,SKR吳,這首歌是給你聽的 Yo SKR WU this song is for you 之所以想扁你 So Ima hit you 是因為你的說唱實在是太爛了 Cause your rap is whack too so 所以,我很想扁你 Ima hit you up 我很想扁你 Ima hit you up 我很想扁你 Ima hit you up 我很想扁你 Ima hit you up 喝了點水休息了一會現在我回來了 Okay now I'm back drink some water chill a bit 我也建議你喝點冷水別腦子發熱 Drink it cold I recommend, hot headed don't faint 事先提醒你一下別忘了做件事 In advance I'll tell you this, got an offer don't miss 錄段freestyle給你的粉絲 Make a freestyle video shoot some bars for the fans 沒有混音沒有修剪,還有一個重要的事 No edits, no cuts, and most important thing 不要用化妝裝成一個紳士模樣 No makeup on your face try to be a gentleman 我只是說一下如果你這位小公主做不到的話 I'm just saying little princess if you can't do this 回到你以前那個解散的團隊EXO吧 Get back to the EX.O where the story ends 還有我並沒有說你是real的還是fake的 And I'm not gonna mention that you fake or be real 你在舞台上的假唱這是事實 Lip syncing on stage that's afact that’s the deal 你認為沒有人注意到這個嗎?拜託先捋順你的麥克風 Thought no one notice that at least keep the mic clear 我現在要讓你下台 Now I'm gonna send you back for retirement 你知道我們身為說唱歌手要有點知識 Cause you know that we need knowledge requirement 你換氣都那麼差麥克風都救不了你 That breath so bad mic can't handle it 看來都還是需中國新說唱的製作人來搞定 A producer rap of China man get over it 你這個搞笑的人能讓20輛車爆胎 You a joke almost broke 20 cars what for 需要走了嗎?我都沒想過就讓我們繼續 Got a home? I don't know forget that let's move on 這首歌在家錄的回應給你 And this track homemade yeah done for you 如果你聽不懂可以看看中文字幕 If you don't get it read the Chinese subtitles too 所以Mr. skr Wu 你要怎麼辦你要怎麼辦 So Mr.Skr Wu what you, what you gonna do 喲,SKR吳,這首歌是給你聽的 Yo SKR WU this song is for you 之所以想扁你 So Ima hit you 是因為你的說唱實在是太爛了 Cause your rap is whack too so 所以,我很想扁你 Ima hit you up 我很想扁你 Ima hit you up 我很想扁你 Ima hit you up 我很想扁你 Ima hit you up 喲,SKR吳,這首歌是給你聽的 Yo SKR WU this song is for you 之所以想扁你 So Ima hit you 是因為你的說唱實在是太爛了 Cause your rap is whack too so 所以,我很想扁你 Ima hit you up 我很想扁你 Ima hit you up 我很想扁你 Ima hit you up 我很想扁你 Ima hit you up 所以Mr. skr Wu你該怎麼辦? ! ! So Skr.Wu what you gonna do!!! 要用回你的skr,skr,boo,boo來回擊我嗎? Hit me back with the Skr Skr, boo boo 這是一場說唱戰役,不是在唱讚美詩,所以請展示你不再鬼吼亂叫 It's a rap battle, not a chant carol , show me how you gonna do with no ghost rattle 不開玩笑因為該是時候了 It's for real right now cause time is up 你在裝的時間都夠我揭穿你了 You been faking lot of **** time uncover sup 你為那些幫你feat歌的人付了多少錢啊? How many features have you paid up 我都看到你緊張的出汗都快燒起來了 I can see you sweating now you nervous heating up 不用擔心,放鬆點 Okay don' t worry get loosen up 只是唱個副歌一起把音量調大 Just sing this hook now let's turn it up 知道我的freestyle已經成為我的習慣 Know I freestyle and I 'm back in the habit 想魔術一樣可以給你來個擊殺punchlines Hit high hat punchlines like magic 喝著我的玫瑰香檳這是我的象徵 Sip champagne rose my statues 有很多的鈔票這並不真實我是個蠻人 Got a lot a money not true I'm savage 只想讓你知道我的磁場 Wanna know if you know what I know static 你就是hiphop界的三重悲劇 Hip hop to the top your life tragic 向國家展示你對它的熱愛 Show that love to a country fantastic 我喜歡在中國發生的一切 China hey one love, damn what's happening 這裡是SKEZZ代表深圳 It's your boy Skezz representing Shenzhen 讓你知道BOYS的實力! Cause you know **** boys damn in the building 喲,SKR吳,這首歌是給你聽的 Yo SKR WU this song is for you 之所以想扁你 So Ima hit you 是因為你的說唱實在是太爛了 Cause your rap is whack too so 所以,我很想扁你 Ima hit you up 我很想扁你 Ima hit you up 我很想扁你 Ima hit you up 我很想扁你 Ima hit you up 喲,SKR吳,這首歌是給你聽的 Yo SKR WU this song is for you 之所以想扁你 So Ima hit you 是因為你的說唱實在是太爛了 Cause your rap is whack too so 所以,我很想扁你 Ima hit you up 我很想扁你 Ima hit you up 我很想扁你 Ima hit you up 我很想扁你 Ima hit you up