- 廖菲 Wolfy(MEGALOBOX REMIX) 歌詞
- 第四代楚狂 廖菲
- 嘴角是昨天留的剩肉
臉上十年前的疤 我有個夢想為之奮鬥 至死但不是為了她 血在嚴冬保持沸騰 幾度咬碎我的牙 不過是再次擦去淚痕 就像猛虎嗅著花 生活是對家從不讓你如意 被罵到哭泣還有不少垃圾打著你的主意 是否獨立了不再有人將你扶起 保持不服氣我們不是任何人的奴隸 we gotta fight back! stand tough! we the only ones to break we the only ones to make we the only ones who take those golds back stand tough! we the only ones they hear we the only ones they see we the only ones who keep our souls beyond death 處境越泥潭我眼神越清澈 堅定地踏進這白衣變金色 十秒是永恆被打倒是頃刻 不斷地突破了被限定的筋絡 獨行的狼群嘶吼聲會成為獅與虎的噩夢 禿鷹的長鳴是為準備赤獄路的特供 stand tough! we the only ones to break we the only ones to make we the only ones who take those golds back stand tough! we the only ones they hear we the only ones they see we the only ones who keep our souls beyond death