- Haux Seaside (EXES Remix) 歌詞
- Exes Haux
- Weightless
失重一般 We hold ourselves 我們緊緊裹住自己 Were breaking down 我們一步一步漸行漸遠 Were on the ledge 你我正身處海洋暗礁之上 And if you dont know why 若是你不知何故 Or if you cant tell him 或著你對他難以啟齒 Or if your old heart is 又或許你陳舊蒼老的心 fading… 已漸漸消褪 We can make for the seaside 我們終究會抵達遙遠的海岸 Run until our lungs cave in 不停奔跑直到肺都無法支撐下去 Tell all the worst lines 吐出所有最糟糕的台詞 Wait until they sink or swim 等著瞧最後成敗吧沉沒海底或是暢游水面 We can make for the seaside 我們終究會抵達遙遠的海岸 Run until our lungs cave in 一路狂奔直到再也喘不上一口氣 Tell all the worst lines 說出所有最糟糕的台詞 Wait until they sink or swim 等著瞧最後成敗吧淪陷泯滅或是自在徜徉 Breathless 呼吸漸漸困難 We count our falls 悉數彼此曾經的種種過往 The ones we lived 曾認真用心生活過的 and the lies we loved 和我們喜愛的花言巧語 If you cant see it 若是你已雙眼失真 Or if you cant tell me 擬或你無言以對 Or if youre old heart is 又或許你陳舊蒼老的心 failing… 已漸漸消褪 We can make for the seaside 我們終究會抵達遙遠的海岸 Run until our lungs cave in 不停奔跑直到肺都無法支撐下去 Tell all the worst lines 吐出所有最糟糕的台詞 Wait until they sink or swim 等著瞧最後成敗吧沉沒海底或是暢游水面 We can make for the seaside 我們終究會抵達遙遠的海岸 Run until our lungs cave in 一路狂奔直到再也喘不上一口氣 Tell all the worst lines 說出所有最糟糕的台詞 Wait until they sink or swim 等著瞧最後成敗吧淪陷泯滅或是自在徜徉 Will you catch me 你是否會抓住我 If I fall too hard? 當我沉淪深淵 Will you keep your 你是否會一直把手 Hand on my heart? 搭放在我的胸口 We can split the sky in two 我們能將天空一分為二 So-I-can 就像我能做到的那樣 hold on, just to hold on to you 將你緊緊擁入懷中 Lets make for the seaside 讓我們共赴遙遠海岸 hold on, just to hold on to you 緊緊擁你入懷 Run until our lungs cave in 不停奔跑直到肺都無法支撐下去 Tell all the worst lines 吐出所有最糟糕的台詞 Wait until they sink or swim 等著瞧最後成敗吧沉沒海底或是暢游水面 We can make for the seaside 我們終究會抵達遙遠的海岸 Run until our lungs cave in 一路狂奔直到再也喘不上一口氣 Tell all the worst lines 說出所有最糟糕的台詞 Wait until they sink or swim 等著瞧最後成敗吧淪陷泯滅或是自在徜徉 We can make for the seaside 我們終究會抵達遙遠的海岸 Run until our lungs cave in 不停奔跑直到肺都無法支撐下去 Tell all the worst lines 吐出所有最糟糕的台詞 Wait until they sink or swim 等著瞧最後成敗吧沉沒海底或是暢游水面 We can make for the seaside 我們終究會抵達遙遠的海岸 Run until our lungs cave in 一路狂奔直到再也喘不上一口氣 Tell all the worst lines 說出所有最糟糕的台詞 Wait until they sink or swim 等著瞧最後成敗吧淪陷泯滅或是自在徜徉