- SanjiWLU Aqua Libra 歌詞
- $ailor SanjiWLU
- 混音:$ailor
HOOK: Shawty you know we're not real same (你知道我和他們不一樣) Cause it's bed for two now we're going through (就像我們現在已經是兩個世界的人) What you said would not made me feel any blame (你說的話我也覺得無關痛癢) I'm thinking how to make everything look really dope (我現在只想把眼下的事情做到最好) Shawty you know we're not real same (你還沒意識到我們的差別嗎) I 'll be on the road and pray for my homie nanaway (不再害怕當初同行的人一個一個掉隊) What you said would not made me feel any blame (請別再對我指手畫腳強加意願) Don't tell me where I can stay till the morning awake (等到第二天太陽升起你甚至都看不到我的尾燈) $ailor: Tik tok時分針一如地既往向前走 我不再sing alone睜眼到凌晨三點鐘 枕邊地呼吸因為夢想驚險都變得新鮮我又在歷險回望從起點距離很明顯 Don't follow my type 你絕不想從開始就被口水灌溉 就像是想法全都被人踢壞 盡力改變做迎合口味的開胃菜別意外上天眷顧我提起筆寫下了新的題材 (We all the way up) 馬不停蹄更新著我新的片段 擔心偶爾放鬆腳步變得緩慢 從不間斷害怕停止我會崩潰 像是新鮮菜譜上面展現出的風味 Fxxk regulartion拋掉那些羈絆 更沒必要為無關痛癢的言語心煩意亂 儘管嘲笑不間斷伴隨著陣陣打嗝 誰會對不經過大腦的話語來認真負責 Let me tell you something雖然第一首已經提起 無所謂功名利益我現在的格局無可比擬 Don't worry about them每時每刻我還在錄音 我兢兢業業保持野心一直等到到天明(wait wait) 專注眼下我從來不許願 寫下經典歌詞反復多練幾遍 上帝為我無限拖延最後期限 不再夜不能寐是否有過相同體驗 Sanji: 我和水手正在奏起海洋交響 回到海上追逐探索王的寶藏 揚起船帆宣告向新的世界啟航 拋下了所有哪怕有風浪 我的脾氣不是很好偶爾傷到自己 不計後果出手已經習慣向來一招制敵 Enjoy my life cash fame someday will lit Say you never 帶著惡意never judge me with妒忌 $ailor&Sanji: We're lucky to have a good team I trust them we run it We guard our dreams till the final war we got it We already feel so high Bitch pleace don't kill my vibe Why you wanna suicide We're living a good life 我叫山治是一個廚子同時兼職一名戰士 看似花心的漢子但是一位溫柔的紳士 我的船長通過深思熟慮用兩年換了三日 於是我委屈自己再桃色樂園恨不得死一萬次 Outro: Shawty you know we're not real same (你知道我和他們不一樣) Cause it's bed for two now we're going through (就像我們現在已經是兩個世界的人) What you said would not made me feel any blame (你說的話我也覺得無關痛癢) I'm thinking how to make everything look really dope (我現在只想把眼下的事情做到最好) Shawty you know we're not real same (你還沒意識到我們的差別嗎) I'll be on the road and pray for my homie nanaway (不再害怕當初同行的人一個一個掉隊) What you said would not made me feel any blame (請別再對我指手畫腳強加意願) Don't tell me where I can stay till the morning awake (等到第二天太陽升起你甚至都看不到我的尾燈) Ending Part: 今年夏天將會變得不一樣了 當我的歌曲開始循環的播放著 我回到地面帶著神烙印的記號 “正片還沒有開始這一切只是個預告“