- bArRY In the Universe 歌詞
- bArRY
- One might hope that we could warp space time
或許有人希望我們能夠扭曲時空 So that one could go off in a rocket and come back in the past 這樣我們可以乘坐火箭回到過去 But I have shown that this is not possible 但我已經證明如果能量密度不會達到負值 If energy density is always non negative 時間旅行無法實現的 Are we alone in the universe? 宇宙中就只有我們? Is there alien life out there? 有外星異生物嗎? What is the future of the human race? 人類的未來將會如何? Up until the 1920s, everyone thought the universe was essentially static and unchanging in the time 所有人都以為宇宙基本上處於穩態,流金歲月,持恆不變 Then it was discovered that the universe was expanding 之後我們發現原來宇宙正在膨脹中 Distant galaxies were moving away from us 遼遠星系一直飛離我們 This meant they must have been closer together in the past 這意味著它們必定曾想靠近 If we extrapolate back, we find we must have all been on top of each other about 15 billion years ago 我們若往後推算,就會發現我們必都曾約150億年前互相堆疊在一起 This was the Big Bang,the beginning of the universe 正是這大爆炸,宇宙之起始 But was there anything before the Big Bang? 然而大爆炸前可有什麼嗎? If not,what created the universe? 若是沒有,又是什麼創造宇宙呢? Why did the universe emerge frome the Big Bang the way it did? 宇宙為何要從大爆炸中冒出呢?