- half space, backspace 歌詞 DILUTED VIRTUAL CIRCUIT
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- DILUTED VIRTUAL CIRCUIT half space, backspace 歌詞
- 睜開眼時躺在沙發腦袋延遲等待打發
時間手臂發麻腳底打滑 對問題的觀察從身體切斷了 對自己的看法一個接一個地坍塌 思維像一團亂麻完蛋了沒辦法 また忘れちゃったわかった 記憶中的空洞放大又放大 夢中的衝動在鬆動變得光滑 感到煩惱環繞在暗中做著翻湧 晚餐在碗中轉動像慢動作的緩衝 枯燥的感動搭配著步調的寬鬆 無聊的形容想掩蓋語調的平庸 做夢醒來醒來又做夢找不到日常的接縫 分離又重逢從這裡再跳到平行的時空 在同樣的房間有同樣的光線 吵鬧的窗前依舊坐在空調的旁邊 halfspace, tell me is it really my place I have seen the faces but i can't really figure out their names like staiways to a maze inside my brain show me a better place just take me to a better place 等待靈感閃現可大腦持續斷電 神經的管線彷彿曲折蜿蜒 好像看到關鍵思考半天還在原地轉圈 恐懼的心理戰線已在胸口悄悄蔓延 嘗試打開窗戶讓街道的聲音吹進屋 用聽到的喧鬧和擁堵沖淡自我厭惡 裝不下天賦或前途的短小篇幅 和沿途遍布的面目是否在同一幕演出 halfspace中的安全搖搖欲墜 用backspace讓自己無路可退 贊成或反對哪怕一點點的反饋 帶我擺脫自我安慰跳過陳腐不堪的閃回 halfspace, treat it with a backspace , please don't back away with your sad face Keep jumpin back and forth on a fast train the best place is always in the next game halfspace, tell me is it really my place I have seen the faces but i can't really figure out their names like staiways to a maze inside my brain show me a better place just take me to a better place