- 紀丹迪 尋羌·北川Beichuan 歌詞
- 紀丹迪
- 演唱Singing:紀敏佳Amelia
編曲Anrangement:陳添C.T. 錄音Recording:孫沛Sun Pei 縮混Mixing:陳添C.T. 大山之中我聽見風 I heard the mountain,I saw the wind 與我一樣寂寞地漂流 flew alone like me 就這樣漂到河的下游 flew to the downstream 看見炊煙 untill saw the chimney smoke 山寨之中我看見你 I saw you in the ancient village 與我一樣孤獨地行走 walked alone like me 背上有個小小的背簍 with a basket carried on the back 裝著頑童 with urchin in it ah ah 太陽沒了山頭 the sun finally went down the hill ah ah 夕陽蒼山天映 the setting sun,the mountain,the sky mirror ah ah 我欲尋羌卻迷茫 I wanna look for the Qiang but found hesitation 突然之間多了個秋 suddenly I enterd an autumn 原來我走進古寨的山頭 as I enterd the ancient village 一群孩子在一旁背誦 the children recited by the side 那遙遠的傳說 recited the ancient legend 輕輕地我走過碉樓 I passed the barbican 你穿華衣盛裝地守候 you waited for him in splendid attire 就算守候的不是我 even if not for me 已讓我停留 aready let me stayed ah ah 月亮爬上山頭 the moon finally climbed up the hill ah ah 羌笛從未如此纏綿 the Qiang flute had never so touching ah ah 月愛唱·響徹這兒的舊事 the moon loves singing,aroused the stories there ah ah 或許唱了太久 herhaps sang for too long ah ah 你說我已該走 you said that I sould go 女神下凡來教我們唱歌 the goddness came down to teach us to sing 因此我們歌聲動聽 so we like singing 而今我要把她唱歌你們聽 and now I will sing it for you 羌人之前不識五穀 once upon a time the Qiangs didn't know the grain 沒有喜怒哀樂 and didn't know the emotion 女神木積珠降五穀 the goddness Mujizhu granted the grain from the heaven 開民智 educated the masses 從此才風調雨順 and then the earth blooms 潔淨的空氣 Pure air 和每一次純淨的呼吸 and every pure breath 走在這裡 walk in here 表達對她的感恩 and pray for her 就可慰藉疲憊的靈魂 your tired soul will be comfort 太陽爬上山頭 the sun finally climbed up the hill ah ah 朝陽羌山雲影 the rising sun,the Qiang mountain,the cloud shadow ah ah 我本遺忘卻難忘 I used to forget but realized I can 't ah...