- Vicktor Taiwò Digital Kids 歌詞
- Vicktor Taiwò
- And I see you running into the woods
跑進了叢林一臉迷茫 With your bright yellow jacket you look lost 一臉迷茫
我看見你穿著亮黃色外衣 You look lost 跑進了叢林一臉迷茫
一臉迷茫 I see you running into the woods 孩子們
不該看到世界 With your bright yellow jacket you look lost 分崩離析
不該看到痛苦傷悲 You look lost 孩子們
不該感到世界 You know kids like you 正在一點點毀滅
世界並不是以你為中心 Aint supposed to know 我打賭你從未感覺到過愛是如此的偉大神奇 That the world is broken 它不只是簡簡單單的一個微笑
我打賭你從未感覺到過愛是如此的偉大神奇 And the sun is frozen 我打賭你從未感覺到過
我看見你穿著亮黃色外衣 You know kids like you 跑進了叢林一臉迷茫
一臉迷茫 Aint supposed to feel 我看見你穿著亮黃色外衣 Like the earth is caving 跑進了叢林一臉迷茫 你看起來一臉迷茫 And the world aint spinning for you you you 若你曾聽說我是個潛在的危險的確如此
不需要類似墨鏡的東西來保護眼睛 And I bet you never knew never knew love could be this bright 我看透了許多人表現得積極向上但卻表裡不一 Aint it something smile or something 想要不勞而獲坐等幸運
人們總是帶著最惡毒的眼光來看我 I bet you never knew never knew never knew the air could taste this sweet 卻發現很難看透而我只是靜靜觀望一言不說
撒謊成了人間常態而我只願聽實話真相 I bet you never knew 依靠灼傷的眼睛找尋生命的意義
等到我白髮蒼蒼我已然經歷了一切 I see you running into the woods 要問我有什麼收穫我會說尋到了生命的真諦
撿起落滿塵埃的樂譜彈掉上面的灰 With your bright yellow jacket you look lost 想像自己是隻飛鳥低頭俯視這個世界
一直苦苦尋覓為的又是什麼 You look lost 是目的是真理是價值是我們曾經的失去
我緊閉著雙眼思索你的問題 I see you running into the woods 希望能給你所有的答案
有人期望世界和平有人甘願被奴役 With your bright yellow jacket you look lost 有人盼著發財有人只想找到目標方向
願所有人都能如意幻想我們都能如意 You look lost you look lost you look lost If you heard that Im a threat then you heard right Shades on but there aint a lens for my third eye People are see through they aint really tryna learn But you eating what I feed you cause its served right People see me and perceive me in the worst light Find it hard to read me I aint speaking I observe guys
Cause people will deceive you I aint really tryna learn lies
Searching for meaning with my burnt eyes When Im old and Im grey and Ive been through it all
Ask me what Ive learnt I say Ive learnt life
Pick up my book of rhymes blow it and watch the dirt rise Looking down at earth from a birds eye
Searching but searching for what
Searching for the purpose the words and the worth that we lost My eyes aint awake and my minds in a place where you can Get what you ask for every time that you pray
Some want world peace some want ice and a chain
Some want wealth some want help finding a way
And we got it just imagine we all got it ahh