- Kim Sozzi Feel Your Love 歌詞
- Kim Sozzi
所有獨自一人的時間都使我無比抓狂 All that time alone, made me go insane 顯而易見的是我已失去理智 Wasnt hard to see, I had lost control 你悄然而至我扔不知所措 Then you came away, still I dont know how 你面帶春風向我走來 And you walk there with your smile 對你眼中的想法我瞭如指掌 I can read your eyes, when you look at me 我該怎樣擁有你? And how I tie to you 只想不顧一切奔向你 Wanna feel your love tonight 拋開所有往事 Gonna leave the past behind. 甘願為你忍受苦痛 Holding on to pain, 猶如海中的飛鳥 Made it hard to breathe 自絕生路 Couldnt get away, from my memories 這時你輕輕拭去我的淚水 Then you wiped my tears, with your soothing touch 你的唇如羽毛般落在唇上 And you blew my breath away 讓我有了活下去的勇氣 I began to live, when you close to me 我可以相信你嗎? How I trust in you 只想不顧一切奔向你 Wanna feel your love tonight 拋開所有往事 Gonna leave the past behind 只想傾盡所有擁有你 Wanna feel your love tonight 全心全意感受你的愛 (And now I feel your love) 拋開所有往事 Gonna leave the past behind 所以離開她吧 (So leave it baby) ♡ ---Music--- 所有獨自一人的時間都使我無比抓狂 All that time alone, made me go insane 顯而易見的是我已失去理智 Wasnt hard to see, I had lost control 你悄然而至我仍不知所措 Then you came away, still I dont know how 你面帶春風向我走來 And your walk there with your smile 對你眼中的想法我瞭如指掌 I can read your eyes, when you look at me 我該怎樣擁有你 And how I tie to you 想不顧一切奔向你 Wanna feel your love tonight 拋開所有往事 Gonna leave the past behind 想傾盡所有擁有你 Wanna feel your love tonight 全心全意感受你的愛 (And now I feel your love) 拋開所有往事 Gonna leave the past behind 所以離開她吧 (So leaveit baby)