- KHJ KHJ Batman Promotion 歌詞
- Batman
蝙蝠俠 Batman 蝙蝠俠 This is Batman 這裡是蝙蝠俠 And robin 還有Robin With exclusive news for KHJ listeners 來為KHJ的聽眾提供獨家新聞 Its the Batphone secret number contest presented by Boss Rdio 這裡是由Boss電台舉辦的蝙蝠秘密電話號碼競猜活動 Theres a terrific prize for the first KHJ listener 有一份絕對驚喜的大獎 To guess the secret number of our Batphone 給第一位猜到蝙蝠電話的KHJ聽眾 Youve seen us answering the Batphone on TV 你已經看到我們在電視上接蝙蝠電話了 Its a special hotline commissioner gordon uses to contact us 這是Gordon局長遇到麻煩時來聯繫我們的特別熱線 Whenever theres trouble 無論什麼麻煩 Theres seven digits in the Batphones secret number 蝙蝠秘密電話號碼共有七位數 Listen to what youll win if yours is the first correct answer received by khj 聽聽如果你的答案如果是KHJ收到的第一個正確答案你會贏得什麼 Youll visit Batman and me at 20 th century Fox 你回去20世紀福克斯看我和蝙蝠俠 And be our guest for lunch at the studio 作為客人來我們的演播室享受午餐 Then youll ride to the Batcave in the Batmobile where robin 然後你將乘坐蝙蝠車去蝙蝠洞在Robin那裡 And I will present you with a 1966 console color television set 我還將贈送你一台1966年的彩電 To visit us and win the color TV just guess the secret Batphone number 要與我們見面並贏得彩電只需猜一下蝙蝠秘密電話號碼 Watch for Robin and me on Channel 7 Wednesday and Thursday nights 週三和周四晚上收看第7頻道的《尋找Robin和蝙蝠俠》 And keep it on khj for more clues in the Batphones secret number contest 並保持在KHJ蝙蝠秘密電話號碼的競猜活動獲得更多線索