- Adam Snow Meghans Theme 歌詞
- Adam Snow
- Oh today Im just a drop of a water
Oh,此刻我如同一滴墜落的水珠 And Im running down a mountainside 從半山腰直衝而下 Come tomorrow Ill be in the ocean 明日將至,我將與大海融為一體 Ill be rising with the morning tide 我會伴隨晨曦的潮水逐漸上漲 Theres a ghost upon the moor tonight 今晚一隻孤魂矗立沼澤中央 Now its in our house 現在它在我的住所裡 When you walked into the room just then 當你邁入房屋那一刻 Its like the sun came out 孤魂如同光芒四射般迎面而來 Theres a ghost upon the moor tonight 今晚一隻孤魂矗立在沼澤中 Now its in our house 現在它在我的住所裡 When you walked into the room just then 當你邁入房屋那一刻 Its like the sun came out 孤魂如同光芒四射般迎面而來 Theres a ghost upon the moor tonight 今晚一隻孤魂矗立在沼澤中 Now its in our house 現在它在我的住所裡 When you walked into the room just then 當你邁入房屋那一刻 Its like the sun came out 孤魂如同光芒四射般迎面而來