- Tiffany Alvord Good Life 歌詞
- Tiffany Alvord
- Woke up in London yesterday
昨天一覺醒來,發現自己已置身於倫敦 Found myself in the city near Piccadilly 推開半掩的窗,皮卡迪利大街便盡收眼底 Dont really know how I got here 我使勁搖著頭,卻想不起來時的路 I got some pictures on my phone 打開手機,發現了好些風景圖 New names and numbers that I dont know 還有些陌生的名字和號碼出現在屏幕上 Address to places like Abbey Road 甚至有像“艾比路”這樣陌生的地址紀錄 Day turns to night, night turns to whatever we want 晝夜更替,而夜晚也不再令人討厭了 Were young enough to say 我們風華正茂,年輕使我們有資本喊出: Oh this has gotta be the good life 哦,這是多麼美好的生活 This has gotta be the good life 這是多麼美妙的生活 This could really be a good life, good life 這種生活才是真正適合我們的生活 Say oh, got this feeling that you cant fight 咆哮吧,你無法抵擋這種妙不可言的感覺 Like this city is on fire tonight 我們就像這沸騰城市一樣熱情洋溢 This could really be a good life 去享受這美妙的生活 A good, good life 美好,美妙的生活 Oh, Oh, Oh, Oh, Oh, Oh, Oh 我向紐約的朋友送去我的問候 To my friends in New York, I say hello 而我在洛杉磯的朋友們還在過著以往的生活 My friends in L.A. they dont know 鮮有人知這些年我已環遊世界 Where Ive been for the past few years or so 從巴黎到中國,再去往卡羅拉多 Paris to China to Col-or-ado 儘管有時我會落入掙脫不出的窘境 Sometimes theres airplanes I can t jump out 儘管有時我會陷入流言蜚語的陷阱 Sometimes theres ******** that dont work now 但我們都是故事的主人,儘管把不順心之事告訴我 We are god of stories but please tell me-e-e-e 往事已成定局,再多抱怨也無益 What there is to complain about 如果你已經快樂得發了瘋 When youre happy like a fool 請儘管瘋下去吧 Let it take you over 當一切真相大白 When everything is out 你也要學會坦然接受 You gotta take it in 哦,這是多麼美好的生活 Oh this has gotta be the good life 這是多麼美妙的生活 This has gotta be the good life 這種生活才是真正適合我們的生活 This could really be a good life, good life 咆哮吧,你無法抵擋這種妙不可言的感覺 Say oh, got this feeling that you cant fight 我們就像這沸騰城市一樣熱情洋溢 Like this city is on fire tonight 去享受這美妙的生活 This could really be a good life 美好,美妙的生活 A good, good life 儘管我們會感到無力回天 Oh, Oh, Oh, Oh, Oh, Oh, Oh 有時也恍恍惚惚地覺得落了什麼 Hopelessly 儘管我們會感到無力回天 I feel like there might be something that Ill miss 有時也只能木木地看機遇飛去 Hopelessly 儘管我們會感到無力回天 I feel like the window closes oh so quick 我腦海裡時常浮現出你的身影 Hopelessly 只因我們會感到無力回天 Im taking a mental picture of you now 願望總是那般美好無比 Cuz hopelessly 哦,這是多麼美好的生活 The hope is we have so much to feel good about 這是多麼美妙的生活 Oh this has gotta be the good life 這種生活才是真正適合我們的生活 This has gotta be the good life 咆哮吧,你無法抵擋這種妙不可言的感覺 This could really be a good life, good life 我們就像這沸騰城市一樣熱情洋溢 Say oh, got this feeling that you cant fight 去享受這美妙的生活 Like this city is on fire tonight 美好,美妙的生活 This could really be a good life 美好,美妙的生活 A good, good life 我向紐約的朋友送去我的問候 Oh, Oh, Oh , Oh, Oh, Oh, Oh 而我在洛杉磯的朋友們還在過著以往的生活 A good, good life 鮮有人知這些年我已環遊世界 Oh , Oh, Oh, Oh, Oh, Oh, Oh 從巴黎到中國,再去往卡羅拉多 To my friends in New York, I say hello 儘管有時我會落入掙脫不出的窘境 My friends in L.A. they dont know 儘管有時我會陷入流言蜚語的陷阱 Where Ive been for the past few years or so 但我們都是故事的主人,儘管把不順心之事告訴我 Paris to China to Col-or-ado 往事已成定局,再多抱怨也無益 Ssometimes there's airplanes I can't jump out Sometimes theres ******** that dont work now We are god of stories but please tell me-e-e-e What there is to complain about