- 李傑明 W.M.L 霸凌 歌詞
- 張粹方 李傑明 W.M.L
- 沒人會救他沒人會救他
看著他被欺負反正你們不會愧疚他**** you 那我就把你的頭給踩在地上你的額頭借我的球鞋寄放 起來反抗啊起來反抗啊我們的笑聲大過你的力量 拿出膽量啊拿出膽量啊你的尖叫聲是興奮的劑量 老師告訴我們如果我們哪天被霸凌就必須勇敢說不我說真的如果你講得出這句 話就代表你活得這輩子根本就都還沒被霸凌過不切實際的外表你們把它給穿著 原來血的味道是酸的難怪我經常感到心酸呢 最壞的人永遠不會被關的聯絡簿我翻著 Yes, this is a test, to see what you're made of Yes, give it your best, it ends when you stand up Sometimes in life when you're on the ground They'll kick and they'll hit when you're already down (so) Yes, this is a test, to see what you're made of 這裡是走廊這裡是走廊等到沒有監視器你就死定了 這裡是走廊這裡是走廊打你哪個地方由我指定了 但你放心我們一般都是打你肚子或是肩膀因為等到你回家了換成睡衣你的家人 依然不會看見你的瘀青而且你也沒有那個種去告訴你的家人我們做了什麼事情 你是我的玩具反正沒人知情放學後的酷刑準備開始執行 把你拖到廁所這就是個實情說真的**** them all 你們毀了我我也習慣享受著痛覺 別放棄我卻放開他們李傑明他媽的純潔?好人緣? Yes, this is a test, to see what you're made of Yes, give it your best, it ends when you stand up Sometimes in life when you're on the ground They'll kick and they'll hit when you're already down (so) Yes, this is a test, to see what you're made of 不要問我怎麼辦才能夠處理霸凌* *** it 只有被人霸凌你才能夠體會痛苦love it 有了有了幾次痛苦換來換來一些成熟 有了有了一些痛楚保護自己變得純熟 簡單的flow為了表達想法被霸凌沒差別說我好傻 霸凌者其實都像在討打總有一天輪到你**** them up 達成你的夢想這就算是**** them up他們都會笑你覺得你在說大話 但是當你達成自己的夢想的時候看看當初欺負你的人表情有多害怕 Yes, this is a test, to see what you're made of Yes, give it your best, it ends when you stand up Sometimes in life when you're on the ground They'll kick and they'll hit when you 're already down (so) Yes, this is a test, to see what you're made of