- BlaKK Bubble 何氏璧 歌詞
- BlaKK Bubble
- Yeah 何氏壁
Sorry for keep y'all waiting so long I never left just was thinking about where I wanna be Now I come up with something y'all, check this Twelve years before Ill town people 一說 Flowing with my music people won't ya use it Now check my new **** 四年前與一幫兄弟糾結 走穴流血技術修略極度優越 Urban battle 磨煉出是特種鋼 Uzi rapping 讓你受重傷後終亡 角逐踴躍絕無休歇 學術有點膝下幾百門徒雪中求學 我看了太多的是是非非 太多人的痴癡醉醉 害我怎麼遲遲歸位外國什麼師之為貴 心違背情愧對別想入非非鬼祟祟尾隨隨 無辜卻被人猜忌苦楚卻被人懷疑 殊途同歸我一路摘記出書榮威注傳奇 坐岸上我遙望海的那一邊 海風拂面而上我幻聽餘音剎那間 This is my new song style for my new born life as a new strong strike 現在就上來先別走開 鼓掌起手來點頭極悠哉 So everybody get high This is my new song style for my new born life as a new strong strike 現在就上來明白放下心來 我要我精彩難道不應該 Face you answer you I never be the same again Blame me or hate me do what you want 隨丫便 你鎮定自若手心流著汗酬金有著賺 頭頸扭著看懶惰有病又十三 並不是我想再一次在台上吶喊 只是台下反應強烈我宏圖大展 隨意搭訕隨地雜亂 這是一個什麼樣的世界每個愛恨交加日夜 秋風掃落葉是這個季節 曾經答應過你會回來在這個時間 約定說好的地點是否還依戀 這一年期間只為重要事一件體驗一切歷練 別人盡歡顏我獨自靜觀變 按捺寂寞歲月記憶碎片的堆砌 愁未解求慰藉品嚐浮華塵世的味覺 This is my new song style for my new born life as a new strong strike 現在就上來先別走開鼓掌起手來點頭極悠哉 So everybody get high This is my new song style for my new born life as a new strong strike 現在就上來明白放下心來 我要我精彩難道不應該 This song is for my new life and for all my friends and fans Because of y'all so I keep struggling 我想讓世界聽到我的回應 蒼穹之下雙足踏一方我頭頂魁星 十幾年的掙扎十幾年的神往 這幾年的珍藏換來是幾點的增長 不經意時間流逝換我容顏蒼白 觸情景生平事蹟處處湧現上海 我從不擺態度我從沒有企圖 每個字都記錄每件事都記住 告訴你This is the song I swear you never heard before Just like I told you never want to try me fool 不用再懷疑我不要再歪曲我 事實已證明過只是請冷靜說 從不信一千零一夜傷感美麗神話 現在是二零零七年上海悲喜成長 I stand still on my two feet Y'all people stand up 給我注意 Here comes 中西合璧何氏壁 This is my new song style for my new born life as a new strong strike 現在就上來先別走開鼓掌起手來點頭極悠哉 So everybody get high This is my new song style for my new born life as a new strong strike 現在就上來明白放下心來 我要我精彩難道不應該