- royster lee 站台 The Platform 歌詞
- royster lee
- 編曲: royster lee
作詞作曲編曲- royster Writing, composing, arranging - royster 演唱-royster & Linda singing-royster & Linda 拜託請不要錯過我那班火車 please, please don't miss my train 我盯著窗外的雨 I'm staring at the rain 眼淚劃過皮膚 tears run through my skin 汽笛聲響了三次 the whistle blew 3 times 我只是想說一聲再見 I just wanna say goodbye 當這場雨停了的時候 I was 500 miles 我已經在五百英里外了 away when the rain stopped 女孩,別把眼淚浪費在我身上 girl, don't waste your tears on mine 我沒有及時趕到 I didn't arrive on time 因為我害怕面對 cuz I'm afraid to face 我只是想要你留下來 I just want u to stay 該死!我覺得我應該說出來 damn! I think I should say 但當我回過頭來 but when I look back 卻只看見了沒有盡頭的鐵軌 only endless track . . 回憶在汽笛聲裡燃燒 Memories burn in the whistle 香煙煙霧飄出了窗外 white smoke drifted out of the window 稀釋了彩虹 diluted the rainbow [02:10.910] [02:10.910] 為什麼彩虹這麼的模糊 Why, the rainbow is so faint 為什麼植物正在褪去綠色 The plants are losing green 為什麼站台如此的空蕩 train platform is so empty [02:31.414] [02:31.414] 拜託請不要錯過我那班火車 please, please don't miss my train 我盯著窗外的雨 I'm staring at the rain 眼淚劃過皮膚 tears run through my skin 汽笛聲響了三次 the whistle blew 3 times 我只是想說一聲再見 I just wanna say goodbye 當這場雨停了的時候 I was 500 miles 我已經在五百英里外了 away when the rain stopped 女孩,別把眼淚浪費在我身上 girl, don't waste ur tears on mine 我沒有及時趕到 I didn't arrive on time 因為我害怕面對 cuz I'm afraid to face 我只是想要你留下來 I just want u to stay 該死!我覺得我應該說出來 damn! I think I should say 但當我回過頭來 but when I look back 卻只看見了沒有盡頭的鐵軌 onlY endless track<比如>